Assalaam o Alaikum Wa Rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu
Very informative topic and Jazaak Allah Khayrun to All members who participated and still participating. You people are doing Sadqa e Jareya.
I have been on trackitt forum and over this forum for last couple of months but couldn't find out this topic untill now.
By the grace of Allah, we have gotten PR visa & CoPr on 5th Oct 2015. We are planning to land in first 2 weeks of Feb 2016.
Our application is a Family Class including principal applicant(Father),spouse, 2 dependent sons in which one is myself

We have waited approx 8 yrs in getting immigration completed and by the grace of Allah after waited so long finally the dream comes true

I have lost all the hope and was planning to move in middle east before things get quickly sorted.
Our brother lives in Edmonton so it's an advantage that we don't face difficulties in settling issues.
I have read all 26 pages posts of this topic and my sincere prayers to all those who share valuable information with us, may Allah reward them with goodness.
After searching a month about flight plan, following is the best route which i selected
Karachi (KHI) > AbuDhabi (AUH) > Amsterdam (AMS) > Edmonton (YEG)
Throughout KLM airline but KHI to AUH operated by eitehad airways but aircraft will be of KLM.
The reasons of choosing this route :
1- Direct landing on Edmonton gives us advantage of getting health card within a week.
2- No transit visa require anywhere
3- Throughout KLM gives no baggage transfer issue at every check-ins.
4- They certainly give HALAL MEAL if you mentioned in booking, i have confirmed it. You can check KLM site as well.
5- 2 hrs stayover in Abu Dhabi and 8 hrs stayover in Amsterdam.
6- 8hrs stayover can be bearable
If you people have better flight plan for me, kindly guide and share with me.
I'll keep in touch with this forum even after landing and will share my experience with you and be the part of Sadqa e Jareya
Khan (apka bhai)