What do you mean by:
(There are many offices in Town Hall. Just ask someone to guide you to proper place)
Birth Certificate issuance is now under NADRA's control and now a days Computerized Birth-Certificates are acceptable. If you have an old one that was in URDU translation you better should go for the new one which has both English and Urdu. The procedure is not that difficult, you just have to visit Town Hall (near Govt College Univ) and give some Quaid-e-Aazam (appx. 1000) to the clerk and it will be done within 3 days. Remember you will have to take your ID Card and your Father's ID Card and the photo copies.2future said:THEREFORE WE GOT OURS MADE NOW.WILL THESE BE ACCEPTED.
(There are many offices in Town Hall. Just ask someone to guide you to proper place)