sarimraza said:Hi All
All Pakistanis landing in summer 2016 can get in touch here to share landing experiences and
get help from each other.
Calgary is divided into 4 quadrants : NE, NW, SE, SWSZ84 said:I Will be landing in calgary inshaAllah in March-2016.
any suggestions for the Home rental in Calgary ?
i mean which area to select and what options to look for ?
Mostly lease has to be of 12 months.. but some do have 6 months Lease.. or its better to go on or for sublease(transferring remaining months of lease, for say 3/4/5 months whatever monthly rent is with the lease and complete package)jboyrush said:hello i am landing in april...i need guidance....we have planed our landing in torotnto mississagua....can family of 5 (2 adults..3 children of ages 8-7-4) for short term stay (say for 2-6 months) live in one bedroom apartment...(as im trying to avoid any possible cost before job capturing). ALso one more thing i want to there any limit to sign lease for 1 year only....can we have 4-5 months lease we dont know when i get job and have to move from that apartment...
thank you...reply would be highly appreciated...![]()
Normally furnished apartments are very expensive, than basement. Basements are always cheaper than Apartment's. Most of the basements are very cold in winter.. I had very bad experience with basements, never liked it. Always go for apartments specially with kids. In Summer basements are good for say 3/4 months stay without lease if one can not find an Apartment. Again, take my word don't go for Lease for basements.sarimraza said:Ok Thanks
All people please advise on furnished accomodation that is economical in basement or otherwise