Hello and Salaam Everyone,
First of all Congratulations to Someone-Somewhere and Docpk for getting their medicals done and also receiving confirmation from the visa office!! inshallah u'll both receive the PPR soon now!!

well as for me, i hav been away from the forum as this entire process was making me tense... well i m still tense so lets hope everything works out for all of us here...
well the good news in the past month is that my status turned IN PROCESS on October 18th, 2011. but the status on my file on updated on October 21st, but it said that we started processing on Oct 18.

so thanks to Allah atlleast the process moved for my file..

now since Oct 18th, i hav been waiting to receive the medicals but still no reply from london..
moreover, i wanted to share somethings i noticed inb the past month when i checked my application status:
Oct 21st, 2011 = status cvhanged to IN PROCESS with the date of Oct 18, 2011
Oct 28th, 2011 = my address changed and they put my home mailing address on the status page. (previously it had my consultant's office address on there)
November 4th = address disappeared
Nov 11, = address again came back, again my home address came back
so now i m wondering what should i do. should i just wait, or should i tell my consultant that their address is no longer on the page?
moreover, it only has my address and not my tel number on there.. so wanted to confirm by all that if on the page it shows their address only or does it also shw their tel number?
well i hope u guys can guide me, specially someone-somewhere as our cases are quite similar and timelines are quite similar as well...
thank u again all and keep raying for all of us..