Hey all:
I have an urgent issue that I just realized before creating the EE profile under CEC category. Please help me to clarify the following two conditions so that I know when to enter the pool safely.
1. I took a two-week paid vacation to China between Feb.1st to 14th in 2016, will this count to the Canadian working experience? Below is what I found on the CIC website, I am not sure how to interpret the paragraph. It
sounds like any two-week vacation inside Canada is fine but it doesn't say anything about vacation outside Canada.
"An allowance for a reasonable period of vacation time will generally be made in calculating the period of qualifying work experience (e.g., a two-week period of paid vacation leave within a given 52-week period in which the applicant was engaged in qualifying work experience). An allowance for normal vacation time during a period of qualifying work experience cannot be used as a substitute or proxy for meeting the in-Canada element of the work experience requirement (i.e., work experience obtained outside Canada will not be considered as though the applicant had been on a period of vacation in order to be counted as part of the period of in-Canada work experience). While officers will account for a reasonable period of vacation time in calculating the period of qualifying work experience in Canada, each application is considered on its own merits with a final decision based on a review of all the information available to the officer at the time of decision."
2. I was outside Canada for about 17 days with the purpose of business development and customer visit, my employer can provide me with a explanation letter. Is this 17 days included in the 1 year Canadian working experience?
I understand one should always give himself/herself some time after he/she gains 1 year experience. I really want to enter the pool ASAP since there will be likely a CRS surge in May/June once PNP candidates start to get in the pool and get 600 bonus points. I will be standing at 439 once I fulfill the one-year work experience and really don't want to let this opportunity slip away.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!

I have an urgent issue that I just realized before creating the EE profile under CEC category. Please help me to clarify the following two conditions so that I know when to enter the pool safely.
1. I took a two-week paid vacation to China between Feb.1st to 14th in 2016, will this count to the Canadian working experience? Below is what I found on the CIC website, I am not sure how to interpret the paragraph. It
sounds like any two-week vacation inside Canada is fine but it doesn't say anything about vacation outside Canada.
"An allowance for a reasonable period of vacation time will generally be made in calculating the period of qualifying work experience (e.g., a two-week period of paid vacation leave within a given 52-week period in which the applicant was engaged in qualifying work experience). An allowance for normal vacation time during a period of qualifying work experience cannot be used as a substitute or proxy for meeting the in-Canada element of the work experience requirement (i.e., work experience obtained outside Canada will not be considered as though the applicant had been on a period of vacation in order to be counted as part of the period of in-Canada work experience). While officers will account for a reasonable period of vacation time in calculating the period of qualifying work experience in Canada, each application is considered on its own merits with a final decision based on a review of all the information available to the officer at the time of decision."
2. I was outside Canada for about 17 days with the purpose of business development and customer visit, my employer can provide me with a explanation letter. Is this 17 days included in the 1 year Canadian working experience?
I understand one should always give himself/herself some time after he/she gains 1 year experience. I really want to enter the pool ASAP since there will be likely a CRS surge in May/June once PNP candidates start to get in the pool and get 600 bonus points. I will be standing at 439 once I fulfill the one-year work experience and really don't want to let this opportunity slip away.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated!