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Outside Canada - Oath of Citizenship


Star Member
Aug 2, 2022
do you know how long they can delay the path for rescheduling?

waiting in the USA for advance parole is over 6 months. :(
I'm currently waiting for my rescheduled oath date. I was initially given 27 May (when I was going to be briefly out of Canada). I requested rescheduling on 11 May (the same date as I received my oath invitation). I've heard nothing since then from IRCC. My tracker switched to "oath ceremony not started" a couple of weeks ago.

The experience of people on this forum appears to be that rescheduling can be as short as a week to a few months. I'm definitely in the "a few months" category.

There are no published standards for oath rescheduling that I've been able to find. A rescheduled date is completely at the discretion of the office handling your file.


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
as per: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-93-246/page-2.html
in part:
  • 20(1) Subject to subsection 5(3) of the Act and section 22 of these Regulations, a person who is 14 years of age or older on the day on which the person is granted citizenship under subsection 5(2) or (4) or 11(1) of the Act shall take the oath of citizenship by swearing or solemnly affirming it
    • (a) before a citizenship judge, if the person is in Canada; or
    • (b) before a foreign service officer, if the person is outside Canada.

I do interpret it is possible to have oath ceremony outside of Canda. is this correct?
Not really, not in general.

You are citing the Citizenship Regulation applicable for grants of citizenship pursuant to Sections 5(2), 5(4), and 11(1) in the Citizenship Act. This is NOT applicable to Section 5(1) applicants.

Most (almost all) of the citizenship applicants participating in this forum are adults applying for citizenship under Section 5(1) in the Citizenship Act, for which the oath of citizenship is currently (see note regarding pending amendment) governed by Section 19 Citizenship Regulations.

There is a narrow, rare exception, but otherwise, for general, adult grant citizenship applicants, and most minors 14 or older, a person must be IN Canada to take the oath of citizenship.

Same source as you link, but Section 19 in the Citizenship Regulations, which should be read in conjunction with Section 24.

Note: there is a pending amendment of the regulations governing the Oath of Citizenship.

For the Regulatory Impact Statement, public comments, and text of the provisions which will replace Sections 19 to 22, and amend others, see https://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2023/2023-02-25/html/reg1-eng.html?step=success

These changes, if actually adopted, could have significant changes in regards to the administration of the oath. This subject is discussed in multiple threads here, but the best of these is here: https://www.canadavisa.com/canada-immigration-discussion-board/threads/a-step-closer-to-self-administered-oath-online-oath-ceremony-without-an-authorised-individual-30-day-consultation.790240/

The changes were expected to come into effect in June (last month), but so far I have not seen reporting this has actually happened.

There was widespread and intense opposition expressed during the public comment period, and perhaps within the government as well but I have not seen anyone report doing an ATI request which would disclose the content of internal commentary. So it is possible the government has elected to not adopt these proposed changes.

However, it is also possible, and my sense is this could indeed be the holdup, that adopting the changes to the regulations is waiting on some amendments to the Citizenship Act itself in regards to the "Electronic Administration and Enforcement" of the Citizenship Act, which explicitly grants the Minister the authority/power to administer and enforce the Citizenship Act using electronic means, and specifically gives authority to Citizenship Judges and the Registrar likewise. Note: these changes are buried in an omnibus budget act, Bill C-47, which received Royal Assent just over two weeks ago; see Section 19 in the version of Bill C-47 that got Royal Assent here:
at that web page there are links to the divisions in this bill. Again, the relevant changes are in Division 19 and for what may have an impact in adopting the proposed changes to regulations, in regards to the manner and means of administering the oath of citizenship, that's set out in a new "Part VI.1" in the Citizenship Act, to follow after section 28.1 in the Citizenship Act (to see where in the act this will go, see here: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-29/page-6.html#docCont ), beginning with new section 28.2. So far as I am aware, the date this will come into force is yet to be fixed by the Governor in Council.

In Any Event . . . No Oath Outside Canada for general grant citizenship applicants UNLESS the Minister actually adopts policies and practices allowing for it under the proposed changes in the Regulations, assuming those changes will take effect (which, again, might be waiting until the electronic administration provisions in the Citizenship Act come into force).

Many are hopeful that is the direction administration of the oath will go. There is NO guarantee it will. No guarantee that even with changes that taking the oath outside Canada will be allowed. That's wait and see country.
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Star Member
Feb 7, 2022
In case we leave Canada after we get citizenship certificate but before applying passport, can we apply for Canadian passport from outside of Canada?
yes. U can apply at any Canadian consulate/ embassy near you. You need to complete an outside Canada passport application form.


Star Member
Jul 20, 2015
I ended up having it mailed to a work address in Montreal, and drove up to get it in person. Which was also slightly nerve wracking since I had to cross back into Canada with only my US passport and a photocopy of my certificate, but the agent was cool about it. I also took the opportunity to apply for my passport while I was in Montreal for the day which they were able to mail down to the US.
I didn't know Service Canada could mail passports outside Canada. Does work for other countries, except US?


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2017
I live in the United States. Shortly after I reached LPP, I sent an email to Missisauga Citizenship Team requesting an oath on Tuesday Oct 10 2023. I wanted to schedule it in advance so I could plan my travel to Canada (book air tickets, hotels, get time off from work etc.) to attend the oath in person (Missisauga currently hosts in person oaths on Tuesdays and Wednesdays).

Two days ago I received notification on the tracker that I am scheduled for August 15 in-person oath. I assumed this meant they can't accommodate my request. So I replied that I will plan to attend the in-person oath.

Today, to my surprise, I got this email:

"Thank you for your email.

Please note that special approval to take the Oath outside Canada is no longer required.

As you are currently scheduled to take the Oath on August 15th, 2023 at our office in person, we can re-schedule you for a Virtual Ceremony where you may participate outside Canada.

We cannot guarantee that you will be scheduled for an in-person Ceremony on October 10, 2023.

Please also note your PR Card is set to expire at the end of this month.

Please let us know how you would like to proceed."

I have been reading this thread and reviewing the citizenship Act. I was not really able to come to a sound conclusion of whether taking the oath outside Canada is within the bounds of the law.

Now, I have it in writing from IRCC that I can take the oath from outside Canada.

Am I safe to do this now? Is there any chance that a future conservative govt may disagree with this implementation of the law and claim my citizenship is void because I did not take my oath while physically in Canada.

Perhaps I am over-thinking this, but would appreciate people's thoughts on this matter. Especially @dpenabill @Ponga @armoured @CaBeaver
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Star Member
Nov 22, 2015
I live in the United States. Shortly after I reached LPP, I sent an email to Missisauga Citizenship Team requesting an oath on Tuesday Oct 10 2023. I wanted to schedule it in advance so I could plan my travel to Canada (book air tickets, hotels, get time off from work etc.) to attend the oath in person (Missisauga currently hosts in person oaths on Tuesdays and Wednesdays).

Two days ago I received notification on the tracker that I am scheduled for August 15 in-person oath. I assumed this meant they can't accommodate my request. So I replied that I will plan to attend the in-person oath.

Today, to my surprise, I got this email:

"Thank you for your email.

Please note that special approval to take the Oath outside Canada is no longer required.

As you are currently scheduled to take the Oath on August 15th, 2023 at our office in person, we can re-schedule you for a Virtual Ceremony where you may participate outside Canada.

We cannot guarantee that you will be scheduled for an in-person Ceremony on October 10, 2023.

Please also note your PR Card is set to expire at the end of this month.

Please let us know how you would like to proceed."

I have been reading this thread and reviewing the citizenship Act. I was not really able to come to a sound conclusion of whether taking the oath outside Canada is within the bounds of the law.

Now, I have it in writing from IRCC that I can take the oath from outside Canada.

Am I safe to do this now. Is there any chance that a future conservative govt may disagree with this implementation of the law and claim my citizenship is void because I did not take my oath while physically in Canada.

Perhaps I am over-thinking this, but would appreciate people's thoughts on this matter. Especially @dpenabill @Ponga @armoured @CaBeaver
This is quite interesting, and personally for me, exciting.
I too live in the US and have been scheduled for oath on 7th September.
Do not know whether it is a in-person or virtual ceremony. Is there a way to find out before we get the actual invitation in the email?

In case, it is in-person, looks like I can request for virtual oath and even do it from my home :), though I'm not sure which office is handling my file. (got my oath invite from SCR but suspect the file was moved to MIS in March this year)

Which email did you send the request to?


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2017
This is quite interesting, and personally for me, exciting.
I too live in the US and have been scheduled for oath on 7th September.
Do not know whether it is a in-person or virtual ceremony. Is there a way to find out before we get the actual invitation in the email?
Call IRCC. They were able to tell me complete details of the oath over the phone. Virtual or not, address to attend, time etc.

Which email did you send the request to?


VIP Member
Apr 2, 2010
Call IRCC. They were able to tell me complete details of the oath over the phone. Virtual or not, address to attend, time etc.

There has been a sudden flurry of posts referencing a change in policy and practice regarding taking the oath outside Canada. Some of the detail in these posts suggests they are credible.

But allowing adult Section 5(1) applicants the opportunity to take the oath while abroad without special authorization (which has been very rare in the past) is such a major change in policy and practice, unless and until there is more definitive information from at least authoritative sources it is prudent to wait and see . . . allowing, however, that anyone who in particular has communication from IRCC specifically allowing them to proceed with taking the oath while abroad, can probably proceed to do so. As best can be seen so far.

For those anxious to learn if they too could take the oath while still abroad, again it will be prudent to wait and see. If this change is real there should be more definitive news and confirmation coming soon.

Some Background:

Early this year there were proposed changes to the regulations that would ostensibly allow the Minister to adopt procedures that could include online oath proceedings for applicants outside Canada, but it was not clear that is what the Minister would implement when the changes took effect.

Those changes, in the regulations governing the oath of citizenship, were scheduled to take effect in June, but until quite recently there has been no indication they were approved and taking effect. And meanwhile it has remained unclear what changes in actual practices would follow.

The Justice Laws website is an authoritative source which publishes the official statutes and regulations. It still does not show these changes in regulation to be in effect BUT as of today it is only current to July 25, 2023, and the reports that IRCC is allowing the oath abroad have just emerged since then. (Note, Regulations in effect until at least July 25, which would not allow for the oath outside Canada for 5(1) grants of citizenship except with special authorization, that is Regulations 19 to 24, are here: https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-93-246/page-2.html#h-952206 . . . subject to change any day now it seems).

There is a possibility that IRCC could implement such a change, to more broadly allow taking the oath outside Canada, pursuant to changes in interpreting how the current regulations apply to online ceremonies, but that is a very tangled weedy tangent and seems quite unlikely, so I'll leave it at that, at noting the possibility.

In any event, other than those who are in fact being scheduled for the oath and being given clear instruction that they can take the oath abroad, the rest of us should WAIT and SEE what additional information becomes available. If this change is being broadly implemented information about it and confirming this should SOON start showing up in multiple authoritative sources.

Some sources for reference:

Extensive list of PDIs regarding citizenship, including group under title "Ceremonies and promotion, which in turn includes link to oath ceremonies in particular: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/canadian-citizenship/overview/functional-guidance-on-table-contents.html

PDI for Oath of Citizenship: https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/canadian-citizenship/ceremony/oath.html . . . but last updated more than two years ago

Link to Manual for "Citizenship delivery abroad" is here:
https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/corporate/publications-manuals/operational-bulletins-manuals/canadian-citizenship/citizenship-abroad.html . . . also out of date . . . July 2020 . . . but is nonetheless a good source for how things work up until now.


Apr 14, 2015
Dear all
I have got invitation for video ceremony for oath. But I am outside Canada, therefore I already replied back on the same email which I got invitation from . i requested them to allow me take oath outside as I am getting some medical treatment in my home country.I also provided the documents required. After submitting the request I got automated reply, explaining various situations. It also mentions that one if outside Canada can take oath( i will attach email portion below). I am still waiting further response from them if I still need to join the video ceremony coming up or I have to skip it and wait for further instructions.my video ceremony is in 5 days . If anyone can please shed some light because I think even for video ceremony one has to be in Canada..what if ircc doesn't reach me before ceremony.i am puzzled.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to identify yourself. In order to process your request without further delay, you need to provide the following information: Name, Application Number and/or Client ID Number (UCI). Without these details, your request will not be actioned.

Completed Oath Forms

If you are submitting your signed oath form, this is confirmation of receipt.

Additional Documents

If you are submitting documents or additional information to our office, we will not confirm receipt of these documents unless further follow-up is required.

Missed Ceremony

If you are requesting a re-schedule of a missed ceremony, you need to provide an explanation for why you missed your ceremony. Your request will be put in queue for an officer to review and approve or deny your request.


If you have advised us that you will be TRAVELLING or are OUTSIDE CANADA You MAY take the Oath OUTSIDE CANADA. However, Please note your MUST Destroy your PR card. Apply for CANADIAN passport in order for you return back to CANADA. Therefore, the oath ceremony can be CANCELLED for YOU. If you choose to not to proceed with the Ceremony.

Please advise us of your return date. Please note, we can only POSTPONE the ceremony up to a maximum of 6 MONTHS. THIS IS ONLY FOR MISSING THE FIRST CEREMONY.

IMPORTANT: Once you are back in Canada, please contact us and PROVIDE PROOF of your return, such as the boarding passes. Once we receive the proof that you are back in Canada, we will re-schedule your oath ceremony.

A decision/response to your request will be added to your file. Should you require additional information, contact IRCC’s Client Support Centre for further information.


Hero Member
Jul 18, 2017
Dear all
I have got invitation for video ceremony for oath. But I am outside Canada, therefore I already replied back on the same email which I got invitation from . i requested them to allow me take oath outside as I am getting some medical treatment in my home country.I also provided the documents required. After submitting the request I got automated reply, explaining various situations. It also mentions that one if outside Canada can take oath( i will attach email portion below). I am still waiting further response from them if I still need to join the video ceremony coming up or I have to skip it and wait for further instructions.my video ceremony is in 5 days . If anyone can please shed some light because I think even for video ceremony one has to be in Canada..what if ircc doesn't reach me before ceremony.i am puzzled.

IMPORTANT: Please be sure to identify yourself. In order to process your request without further delay, you need to provide the following information: Name, Application Number and/or Client ID Number (UCI). Without these details, your request will not be actioned.

Completed Oath Forms

If you are submitting your signed oath form, this is confirmation of receipt.

Additional Documents

If you are submitting documents or additional information to our office, we will not confirm receipt of these documents unless further follow-up is required.

Missed Ceremony

If you are requesting a re-schedule of a missed ceremony, you need to provide an explanation for why you missed your ceremony. Your request will be put in queue for an officer to review and approve or deny your request.


If you have advised us that you will be TRAVELLING or are OUTSIDE CANADA You MAY take the Oath OUTSIDE CANADA. However, Please note your MUST Destroy your PR card. Apply for CANADIAN passport in order for you return back to CANADA. Therefore, the oath ceremony can be CANCELLED for YOU. If you choose to not to proceed with the Ceremony.

Please advise us of your return date. Please note, we can only POSTPONE the ceremony up to a maximum of 6 MONTHS. THIS IS ONLY FOR MISSING THE FIRST CEREMONY.

IMPORTANT: Once you are back in Canada, please contact us and PROVIDE PROOF of your return, such as the boarding passes. Once we receive the proof that you are back in Canada, we will re-schedule your oath ceremony.

A decision/response to your request will be added to your file. Should you require additional information, contact IRCC’s Client Support Centre for further information.
Please refer to my message from a few days ago. It appears the policy has changed and IRCC is allowing oaths to be taken outside Canada.


Jun 5, 2015
Hey guys! Thanks for sharing these pieces of info. I have just done the oath outside Canada (being in Australia for work), and I basically just told the agent this when we are in the 1:1 room, and she literally said "It's alright, it's so great now we can also do it outside Canada". I wish everyone the best and hope this can save you from long way travelling for your oath especially when you are not able to!
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Full Member
Nov 22, 2017
Hey guys! Thanks for sharing these pieces of info. I have just done the oath outside Canada (being in Australia for work), and I basically just told the agent this when we are in the 1:1 room, and she literally said "It's alright, it's so great now we can also do it outside Canada". I wish everyone the best and hope this can save you from long way travelling for your oath especially when you are not able to!
Thanks for sharing this info. How were you able to take oath outside of Canada? Could you elaborate on more details?


Full Member
Mar 20, 2017
Hey guys! Thanks for sharing these pieces of info. I have just done the oath outside Canada (being in Australia for work), and I basically just told the agent this when we are in the 1:1 room, and she literally said "It's alright, it's so great now we can also do it outside Canada". I wish everyone the best and hope this can save you from long way travelling for your oath especially when you are not able to!
that's great to hear, thanks for sharing this info. just a couple questions

1. did you have to inform IRCC in advance that you were abroad? ( i guess they don't care anymore)

2. were you offered E-certificate? hope this option is available to everyone living abroad (i believe they used to send paper certificates to the consulate of the country you were residing and it could take a long time)

and congrats on becoming Canadian!
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