I found HSBC useless. I went into a UK branch and was told there was no point opening an account there for Canada unless I earned over $200k a year or had $500k in savings (or something like that - numbers converting to Canadian $$$).
So I brought cash and on the first morning after I got my SIN I walked into a bank who told me to get lost. Because I only had a paper version of my SIN (on govt. canada paper, though it did look a bit unofficial surely they had seen it before?) So I walked into a different bank instead, who checked with the manager and were fine with that and got me setup.
I can't remember which bank told me to get lost - the corner I remember looking had a TD, CIBC and Scotia Bank, but RBC gave me an account. I'd suggest looking for what branches are closer to where you work or live if you know that...
I can't see a reply on taxes, so will answer.
You will file a tax return by April 30th the year after you land, regardless of if you spent 1 day or 366 in the country on the previous calendar year. You'll have to give details of when you entered and personally, based on the fact that I worked 46/52 weeks my first year potentially get a decent tax rebate.