Received OINP NOI.
Need help on getting an appropriate Employment Reference Letter from one of my past employers.
Here's my situation:
I worked for this employer for about 3 years on different projects.
The initial 3 months i was not paid, basically working as an Intern, learning stuff.
After that my role changed to Developer and i was paid salaried employee for the rest of 2 yrs 9 months.
This is my plan:
EE profile
Currently, in my EE profile I have shown this my role as an Intern with this employer for the 3 yrs period.
In my EE, I plan to change this now to the Developer role and show time period for 2 yrs 9 months. (this would not affect my CRS points)
Work-Ex letter
I plan to request my employer to the letter with below info:
1. Total time period of employment with the org, i.e. 3yrs (overall time spent with employer).
2. As an Intern 3 months, saying it was unpaid.
Here, Do i need to mention job resp for the Intern period, as it would'nt qualify for points?
What about NOC ? Should it match my NOC while I was a Developer later on ?
3. As a Developer for 2 yrs 9 months, with Salary and job resp.
I would also mention about these things in the LOE.
Pls let me know if this is a good way to handle this situation or What is the ideal way to mention the same in the Work-Ex letter and on my EE profile?