nioo said:
After 30 months of submitting my profile, they don't even reply my case enquiry...
Ok folks - here's an update from my end... and do believe when we say 'be patient' - as that's the only thing you can do now...
but before I give update here's the background...
* 2006 applicant (yes you read it right... 2006)
* FSW --> Backlog --> PNP
* took OWP and came in Nov-2013
* got QA email / and then subsequent phone chat where I answered all the questions
* submitted additional docs
* waiting since August ...
* Ordered GCMS in April - got in May - It did not clear any confusion in terms of why they were taking so long - and part of GCMS was redacted - so couldn't see what they were thinking or doing.
* Also sent CSI - and waited patiently for 30 days before I got email in June-2015 asking for
*** Additional forms to be filled - again !!!(about 6 of them)
*** re-medical (as my medical has expired long time ago)
*** personal information (like hight, passport number, eye color etc.)
*** Updated Police certificate (since Feb-2013)
and the most surprising one ...
*** Proof of funds (I am already in Canada now for last 18 months - what kind of proof do they want now that I will be able to settle... I am ALREADY settled

anyways, I sent it whatever I could
So I got my medical done quickly - and the results were submitted last week - today I got another email _encouraging_ me to attend the CIIP sessions. Now these sessions are for the people who are OUTSIDE canada - and not for the ones who are already here.
I am beginning to wonder how much longer will it take for them to realize that I am already here and need not to attend CIIP session, and also that its useless to ask for proof of funds when the candidate has already spent 18 months in canada trying his best to settle in ...
damn... I love this immigration process....