Here is my landing experience. I landed on June 23rd(Thursday 12.00 AM night at Calgary Airport and returned back on June 25th using AVR for me and my wife via Niagara Falls border(I feared a lot about AVR, don't know how it works, even my employer also don't know) but its very easy and smooth

We travelled from Austin to Houston, then from Houston to Calgary (Flight delayed for 3 hours in Houston i.e reached at Calgary after 12 A.M in the night).Landing was smooth, in plane they gave us custom declaration form, we filled out and as soon as we landed we went POE counter and gave declaration form, passport.
POE Officer(PO): What's the purpose of trip.
Me: I am doing my landing today for PR.
PO: Is there any goods to follow list?
Me: No
PO: Then you filled Yes for ..... (I don't know what I filled)
Me: We are landing here and will go back to USA because we didn't plan to move now(i.e visa expiry date is very less).
PO scanned our passports, stamped on Declaration forms and asked us to go to immigration .
We went to immigration, there were three officers in 3 counters(one lady is rude

Immigration Officer(IO)(i.e He is a nice guy): asked for passport and landing papers . He asked for how much money I have. I said brought $3500 cash with me and $16000 bank balance. He put $19000 figure on paper. He explained that 2/5 years you have to in CANADA and other rules like you can't contest in elections, can't vote when I am using PR. He said it will take 4-8 weeks to get PR cards and he stamped our passports. Said Welcome to Canada.
We left Immigration section and saw two lady officers, I gave declaration card to one of her and said thanks. I asked do I need to fill any form that goods carrying with me, she said not required.
Then we went to Hotel(Greenwood suites In hotel) in Calgary. I know this hotel is expensive(2 nights = $340

) but don't want to take risk(as my wife is pregnant).
Next day I went to Canada Service centre to apply for SIN number and it went smoothly. Then I tried for Health Card in Registry office, they said answer for ‘183 days committed stay in 12 months period' in application. I said will go back to USA and come back after 2 months(I shouldn't say like that). He said apply for Health Card when you come back.
I tried in different registry centres, but they said address proof required and in another centre they said I have to be a member(asking $100) in that centre. Finally decided do not apply for Health card.(because I can't go to all offices as my wife is pregnant, she tired).
We used public transport(buses) mostly. In Calgary trains and bus transportation is good. If we buy ticket for $2.75/person you can use that ticket for 1.30 minutes. Streets are like in Calgary NE, NW, SE(Southe East),etc and names mostly like St and AVenue. SIN numbers you can apply in any Canada Service centres and Health Card in Registry centres. My suggestion is better to go to downtown office(Harry Hays Building) even though if you stay outside of downtown. Any way you can find public transportation.
Then next day(Friday) we went to Toronto(my cousin stays there), spent some time with family. On Saturday around 11 AM we started towards Niagara falls(Instead of high-way, we went through Niagara Village i.e across the Ontario river). We boarded for “Maid of the mist” boat and enjoyed in Niagara Falls scene.
Then we had a tension about crossing the border. My cousin, his daughter, my wife, myself in queue in the car for POE(just like toll gate booth). After 5 minutes, its our turn. We stopped our card near to his booth. My cousin gave 4 passports i.e two Canadian and two Indian passports(We put I-797 approval copies in Passports, we are using AVR). My cousin told he and his daughter were Canadian citizens.
POE officer(PO): Where are you going? (he asked to me).
Me: I am going to Austin.
POE: Do you have a job over there ?
Me: Yes Sir. I have a job.
POE: In which profession you are working?
Me: Software engineer.
POE officer went to another booth(I think, he confirmed about AVR expired passport and valid H1 copy) and came back, said make sure staple I-94 to your passport then said all set you can leave now. (Ohhhh god, we entered into USA). From buffalo airport we went to Austin.
Please let me know if anybody wants any information ?