Hi Guys
Here is my lading story, etc... BTW the reason if my landing is that by the grace of almighty God I got a job in Edmonton at the beginning of January/2010 and moved to Canada almost 2 weeks ago...
I landed on Jan 28 in Edmonton International Airport. Landing went smooth despite of the fact that I waited for 2 hours in immigration due to the people in front of me were having problems to enter to Canada (one of them was being deported and the other was having problems demonstrating why he was coming to Edmonton)... For me the landing process with the immigration officer took only 15 minutes and I was all set for customs. In customs I was asked for the list of good, goods to follow and rabies certificate of my cat (forgot to mention that I was bringing one of the cats with me). Later I rented a car and then I went to the hotel. Next day after my landing I got my SIN, bank account and health care number.
A week later my wife + my other 2 cats landed in Edmonton. She did not have problems either. She declared more than 15.000USD in customs and did not have any problem about that. No charges at all. The only think was that the officer in customs was asking for the list of goods to follow, since she did not have it the officer was asking for me after sometime the officer let her go.
A week later we rented an apt and I was only asked for 1 month deposit. rent seems to be pretty similar to US...
SInce then life is good so far and I am happy living in Canada as a PR!!!! SInce I lived in a small city (nashua/NH) I am still getting use to a big city and getting more comfortable everyday. I currently don't have a car so I am using public transportation. I love ETS (Edmonton Transit System) b/c I just had to pay the monthly pass and I get as many rides I want

I wish all of you good luck in your immigration process!!
BTW Come to Alberta!!!! you'll LOVE IIIIIITTTTTTTT!!!