This is my take:
85,000 waiting for tests and
5,000 were invited. This is about
5.9% of all eligible test applicants. So, I went through the 2019 tracker and took counted everyone with an AOR and counted each single as 1 and each family as 2 eligible for writing the test, assuming the rest are children that do not need to write a test. Not saying this is perfect, but a near average. There are
1,041 members from this forum that are waiting for a test. That means the forum represents
1.2% percent of
85,000 waiting for a test. And, this is assuming that everyone who is on the spreadsheet returns to post their updates, which we know is never the case. So, the point of my rambling is that this forum represents a very small number of will be Canadians and we can't rely on the data here for who/how testing is happening, but it is used to give us a general idea of timelines in the average situation.
You will get your test. Soon I hope.