Nine Important ICE Self Defense Tips
In case of emergency (ICE), many a times during the daylight, when faced with an imminent danger, our concious reactivity might take a backstage. Refresh/practice/put-into-effect these nine (9) crucial tips... probably they could save u formidably, even ur life. Try and share them with ur wife, partner, children, ur mom, dad and/or everyone u know/care about. It never hurts to be careful in this (sometimes) crazy world that we live in today...
1. If a robber asks for ur wallet and/or purse, DO NOT hand it to him. Toss it away from u instead. Chances r that he is more interested in ur wallet and/or purse than u; and he will go for that rather than continue to confront u. Then run like hell - in the other direction.
2. Women, often, have a tendency to get into their cars after shopping or any other errand, and just sit a while (doing their checkbook, or making a list, or tiding their makeup etc. DON'T DO THIS! The predator could be watching u, and this is the perfect opportunity for him to get into the passenger side of ur car, place a gun to ur head, and tell u where to go.
As soon as u get into ur car, lock the doors and drive-off. If someone is in the car (beforehand) with a gun to ur head - do not drive away with him as ordered. Instead floor the accelerator and speed into something, anything, wrecking the car.
Hopefully ur air bag will save u from a/ny serious injury. And as soon as the car crashes, jump out and run, even if u were dizzy. It is better than having them find ur body in a remote location. This brings us to #3...
3. It is always better not to be taken to a secondary location. Statistics prove that those who did - rarely return; and if they do - they've been badly injured (both mentally and physically) or raped.
Deal with the situation where u r, even if a gun is pointed at u. Run if u can. Run away in a zig-zag pattern.
4. If u r ever thrown into the trunk of a car, kick out the back tail-lights, stick ur arm out of the hole and start waving like crazy. The driver won't see u, but others will. Yes, it'd take some effort, probably a lot of effort, but it's better than being dead, right?
5. A few pointers about getting into ur car in a parking lot:
a) Be aware: Look around u. Look into ur car, at the passenger side floor and in the back seat.
b) If u r parked next to a big van, enter ur car from the front passenger door. Most serial killers attack their victims by pulling them into their vans while they, mostly women, r attempting to get into their cars.
c) Look at the cars parked on both sides of ur vehicle. If a male is sitting alone in the seat nearest to ur car, u may want to walk back into the mall, or from where u came from; and get a guard/policeman to walk u back to the car. There's an old saying, "it is better to be paranoid than be dead".
6. ALWAYS take the elevator rather than the stairs. Stairwells r dangerous places to be alone and the perfect crime spot. This is especially true at night.
7. If the predator has a gun and u r not under his control, ALWAYS RUN! Hitting a moving target with a hand gun is not easy. Even if u do get hit, the odds r it will not be in a vital area or fatal. Run in a zig-zag pattern, I repeat again.
8. Women, tend to be more sympathetic than men. Not always a good practice... It may get u abducted, killed or raped. Some predators r well educated (and good looking) men too (remember Ted Bundy). They will play on the sympathy of unsuspecting women. They may walk with a limp or with a cane. And ask for ur help to get into their vehicle. Then grab u and haul u away!
9. Here's a dicey one involving crying babies. Some whacko had a small recorder playing a "crying" baby. He would put it on a porch near a window and turn it on. When a woman would come to the window - she would not see anything. When she opened her door - he would be waiting to grab her and force himself inside. This stunt is done usually at night.
The Crying Baby caper was mentioned on America's Most Wanted when they profiled a serial killer in Louisiana.
U may like to ponder over them, make a concietous effort to remember them while driving, alone. Note that frequent remembrance could keep these tips in ur subconscious... and when the time comes (God forbid) u'd react positively. This might save u, ur life!