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Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012
Dear Mancilla,

If a tar sands pipeline and supertankers project looks too dangerous, what do you do? If you’re Enbridge, you delete islands off of public videos and maps - apparently to try to convince the public the project is safer than it really is.

Right now, oil and gas giant Enbridge is fighting to build a 1,177 km tar sands pipeline from Alberta, to BC’s coast, despite massive public opposition.[1] If the project is approved, up to 500 tankers a year, many laden with toxic heavy crude oil will have to weave through the 4th most dangerous waterway in the world, making sharp, 90° turns through twisting, rocky passages.

Enbridge knows that as the public learns about the 800 oil spills it caused in the last decade, they are turning against the company's plans to run pipeline and tankers through pristine rainforest and coast. So it hired the same PR firm that worked for Big Tobacco and Enron to roll out a multi-million dollar public image makeover. Its slick website campaign is designed to convince the public that the oil tanker route is safe, but a scientist just discovered that Enbridge deliberately removed 1,000km² of islands off of a public video and map to make the oil tanker route look much less treacherous than it actually is.

Tell Enbridge to stop misleading the public and pull the ads immediately.

Enbridge’s pipelines across North America just keep spilling, and the official report from the U.S. National Transportation Safety Board found that negligence caused the massive 3 million litre Michigan Kalamazoo spill in 2010. [3] Two years after the worst pipeline spill in US history, the toxic crude is still polluting waterways and making people sick.

Enbridge’s official application to build the Northern Gateway Pipeline includes maps from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Google Earth, and even the Government of Canada. This proves that Enbridge knows what the treacherous oil tanker route looks like -- but is grossly misrepresenting how wide the shipping routes would be, and misleading the public about the true dangers of the project.

The slick route animation, and map in the route safety video, both show Douglas Channel without the maze of islands that oil tankers as long as the Eiffel Tower will have to weave through. [5-6] Enbridge knows that spill cleanup would use skimmers and booms that work only in low breezes and a light chop -- not in treacherous waters with names like Terror Point, Calamity Bay and Grief Point.

Right now, Enbridge is feeling the heat. Its pipelines just leaked again - this time in Wisconsin - intensifying fears about its safety track record. [4] And now, Enbridge’s CEO is admitting that opponents to the pipeline have taken control of the debate, and he’s trying to discredit them by labelling them as “revolutionaries”. [1] Enbridge is highly vulnerable to public pressure, that's why we're teaming up with global corporate campaigning group SumOfUs.org to run this campaign. If enough of us speak out together, we can force Enbridge to pull the ads.

Tell Enbridge to pull its misleading pipeline ads immediately:


With hope and respect,

Matthew, Jamie, and Maggie on behalf of the Leadnow.ca team


[1] Enbridge CEO says environmental groups have taken control of pipeline debate (Edmonton Journal)

[2] Report slams Enbridge Energy's history of oil spills (Detroit Free Press)

[3] Questions over Enbridge’s Kalamazoo spill dog pipeline proposal (Edmonton Journal)

[4] Enbridge shuts large Canada-US pipeline after spill (Globe and Mail)

[5] Enbridge’s misleading videos:

[6] Misleading map: http://imgur.com/v13U6

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Star Member
Jul 6, 2010
Visa Office......
New Delhi
NOC Code......
Job Offer........
App. Filed.......
28 april 2010
Doc's Request.
4 th NOVEMBER 2010
AOR Received.
File Submit in NDVO on January 2011
IELTS Request
Processing date_4 may 2012
File Transfer...
22-01-2011____Group is_1-19EL9DH
Med's Request
Med's Done....
23-may-2013.......Photo Request_6-June-2013
Hopefully waived
Passport Req..
19-4-2013___& DM--16-september 2013
Proposed Changes

First Official Language: Maximum 24 points (Before was 16 only now they increase Language Points)

Basic Approx. CLB/NCLC 4 or 5 (Band) 4 pts per ability (16 points)[/font]
Moderate Approx. CLB/NCLC 6 or 7 (Band) 5 pts per ability (20 points)
High LB/NCLC 8 + (Band) 6 pts per ability (24 points)

Second Official Language: Maximum 4 points

Age: Maximum 12 points
18 to 35 yrs = 12 points
36 yrs = 11 points
37 yrs = 10 points
After 37 yrs Less one point per year
46 yrs = 1 points
47 yrs & Over = 0 points

Work Experience: Maximum 15 points

1 yr = 9 points
2–3 yrs = 11 points
4–5 yrs = 13 points
6+ yrs = 15 points

Education: Maximum 25 points

Points will be awarded based on an assessment of educational credentials by a designated organization, indicating the foreign educational credential’s equivalent in Canada.

Doctoral level = 25 points

Master’s level or professional degree = 23 points

Two or more post-secondary credentials,
one of which is a three-year or longer post-secondary credential = 22 points

Three-year or longer post-secondary credential = 21 points

Two-year post-secondary credential = 19 points

One-year post-secondary credential = 15 points

Secondary school = 5 points

Arranged Employment: 10 points is same as Before

Adaptability: Maximum 10 points

But they Eliminated: Accompanying spouse/ Partner education 3 to 5 points

But they Added: Accompanying spouse/partner’s official language (CLB/NCLC 4) 5 Points
(means spouses / common-law partners kindly ready for IELTS Exam) Basic Approx. 4 or 5 Band

PA Previous Work in Canada (min. 1 yr at NOC 0, A, B) = 10 points

Or a combination of…

Previous study in Canada — PA = 5 points

Previous study in Canada — accompanying spouse/partner =5 Points

Previous work in Canada — accompanying spouse/partner =5 Points

Arranged employment = 5 points

Revised: Rel. in Canada (18 years or over) = 5 points

Pass mark = 67



Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012


Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012

1. Litigants whose files were not closed.

DoJ and has come to terms and expect to sign the agreement on Monday. CIC agrees to:
a. send out requests for additional items and the medical forms within 21 days of the signing of the
settlement; i.e., by September 17th;
b. to finalize the applications within 180 days of having received the up-dated documents and other items;
c. to request only those forms which are actually required;
d to process the files expeditiously and
e. to issue the visas as soon as the file is ready for visa-issuance.

2. Litigants whose files s 87.4 has closed

Justice Barnes said that he has not read the motion seeking to enforce the Agreement and will not do so until after he returns to Ottawa on September 4th. Next week both parties will summarize the arguments given that only those whose files were closed are in need of the Court's intervention.

DoJ repeated -- and put in writing this past week -- that, if our motion is dismissed, it will permit our litigants' cases to join the 87.4 challenge. I will just have to file material making that request. So, even if we lose the motion, our case will continue to move forward.

3. Post-June 14th litigants

DoJ repeated the request that the Court rule on whether those who joined the litigation after June 14th are covered by the Agreement. Their position is that they are not. Justice Barnes said that he would rule on this issue when he decides the motion after September 4th. Thus, additional litigants may continue to join our group but, whether, if our motion prevails, they will be covered remains unknown. However, if they are not, their cases will become a part of the 87.4 litigation.

4. 87.4 Litigation

The organization of this litigation remains in disarray. Justice Barnes, however, clearly favours managed litigation (such as our litigation) over a class-action. Justice Barnes will check with the Court Administrator to see whether this issue may be argued when he is in Toronto the last three weeks of November. If so, it will be on one or more Fridays; i.e., no earlier than November 16th.

By August 31st, various counsel will be filing motions, asking the Court to prevent CIC from acting on 87.4. The key issue will be the scope of the injunction itself. Applicants' counsel argue that it should encompass all those whose files were closed, whereas DoJ argues that it should only include those who have joined the litigation.

In summation, we will not know where our litigation stands until mid-September. If we prevail, all will be fine for those who joined before June 14th. Whether it will be for those who joined afterwards will be decided at that time. Those whose files the Court does not order CIC to process immediately will become a part of the so-called class-action lawsuit. The shape of the 87.4 litigation will not likely be known until late November but the scope of the injunction, barring CIC from implementing 87.4, will likely be known in late September.


Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012


Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012


Champion Member
Jan 9, 2012