cmortred said:
anngee bakit narefused ? can you give us the information in email or mail na sinend ng Embassy?
do you have any work po ba now and ilang years n po ba experience mo sa pagiging FCA ? thanks po
hnd o dn tlga mantndhan ung bat narefuse ao..yan po ang nlalaman ng refusal letter o..baka matulungan nyo po ako.
Ths refers to your applcaton for a canadan wor permt. Accordng to Canadas Immigration and refugee
Protecton At and Regulatons as an applcant for a wor permt you must establshtaht you meet all the recqurements
of part 11 of the must satsfy an offcer that you wll not contravene the condtons of admssn
and that you do not belong n acategory of persons an admssable to canada under the act.
ypou must also satsfy an officer that your ntentons are bona fde and that you wll leave canada by the end
of the perod authorzed for your stay.
Based on careful review of the nformaton contaned n your applcation and all of the documentaton whch you have
provded n support of your apllcaton, am not satsfed meet the recqurements of the Act and the regulatons.
i am therefore refusng youre applcaton.
Subsecton 11 (1) of the act states that "a foregn natonal must before enterng canada ,apply to an offcer
for a vsa or for any other document recqured by the regulation.The vsa or document shall be ssued f,followng an examnat
on the offcer, satsfed that the foregn natonal s not inadmissable and meets the recqurements of ths act..subsection specfes that unless otherwse ndcated,references n the ACT to "ths act" nlede regulatons made under it.