It's normal.Hi everyone, I've seen comments above saying that changes to the wording of the background check can be a good sign that things are moving. However, I was wondering if someone can please advise me on what the new wording to my background section means? It has changed earlier in the week to this:
Background check
To me it is really weird that it would change from what it said before ( "we are processing your background check. We will send you a message if we need more information" ) to them now saying they haven't actually started it?! It's been this way for several days now. Can someone please tell me if this is normal and what this specific wording means? Have they decided to start my background check again from scratch or something? @legalfalcon would really appreciate it if you could weigh in please
- Your application is in progress. We will send you a message when we start your background check.
It means that they're working on it.
Maybe even eligibility passed.