Hello Everyone,
I am soo happy to share this with you all. The wait finally came to an end for me. I got my PPR this morning at 7:52 Am, IST. Right at the end of 8th Month. I am really really thankful to the agent whom I spoke to last night and the officer as well. I was actually told by her that my eligibility was still "MET" and there was no other update on my application and all she could do was to send a reminder to the officer. She did it and I got my PPR this morning

. Really grateful to both the officer and the agent. I am thankful to every single person on this forum as well, for sharing their stories and keeping everyone's spirit up. Kudos to us

. I wish everyone all the best. Keep up the spirit. For my buddy
@lm1010, Get the medicals done asap dude. Can't wait to hear the news from you

. We started our journey together and I believe our files were with the same officer. I wish everyone a speedy PPR. Good Luck and Thank you