To NeedHimBack
i just want to dance!!!!

when i woke up and i saw it, i called my wife and told her. you know whats the next thing i did 1 min into the phone?
opened up the forum to inform you and give you all great news!!! i have been in this forum for 2 months and i feel like a family already!

we are all tight!
my wife's file is transferred to New Delhi and the ball has started to roll....
but nevertheless, i will keep checking the forum everyday and share happiness with all of you!
I wish everyone a hearty goodluck and pray for SA for all of you as your Christmas gift/new years gift.
Special thanks to Needhimback to keep the cheer up in the forums during down times and special thanks to TracyCa64 for helping me with spreadsheets !
Wish you all good luck and thank you all!
8) 8)