Hi every one...
My timeline;

AOR: March 24th,2015.
Medicals: april 5th,2015
Medicals done: april 12th,2015
MARRIED on may 3rd,2015
added spouse application on june 29th,2015.
Spouse medicals on:july 13th,2015
RPRF: JULY 22ND,2015
IN PROCESS:august,07th,2015
passport request;august 21st,2015
pPassport sent:august 24th,2015
decision made:august 24th,2015
Spouse passport request from delhi:august 27th,2015.
passport returned:02nd sep.,2015(principal applicant)
passport returned:03nd sep.,2015(spouse from delhi)
landed on september 03rd,2015..
Thanks every one for your help and special thanks to vegas indian for creating the group...
;D ;D ;D