@cleansystem for your wonderful blog. It helped me to get through BLS while submitting my application for my daughter's OCI application. The challenges and doubts experienced while submitting OCI application submission is exactly what
@cleansystem has mentioned in the blog.
Since the blog is for submission of OCI application for anyone who was earlier a citizen of India themselves and acquired the Canadian Citizenship by naturalization, I think it would be helpful if I share info on
OCI application for minor born in Canada with for those who may need it. Please note, I submitted my application in person just today at BLS Brampton (Toronto Jurisdiction) and hopeful that I would get the OCI in few weeks.
I would also refer the steps in the blog and point and differences as well notes w.r.t
OCI application for minor born in Canada
step 1: Same as in blog
step 2: Mandatory documents are:
i. Canada passport of minor – Copy and Original
ii. Proof of address – Required for both Father and Mother. As mentioned in blog, it could be Driving License, or any utility bill with parent's name and address.
iii. Birth certificate of the child - Copy and Original.
BLS verified the original and returned it right away.
iv. Consent of both parents - Download the form from Fill it and have it signed by both parents. Also paste photograph of both parents. There are no specifications for the parent's photo.
However, I pasted the photos with same dimension as the one requested for OCI form.
v. Passport of both parents - Copy and Original.
BLS verified the originals and returned it right away. Me and my wife are still Indian nationals. But if parents have acquired Canadian citizenship, provide both Canadian passport as well as old Indian Passport.
vi. Parent's Status in Canada (applicable only if the parents have not acquired canadian citizenship) - Copy and Original.
BLS verified our PR Cards and returned it right away.
vii. Marriage certificate of parents - Copy only. This is required if spouse names are not endorsed in either parent’s Indian Passport.
I was not asked for original but better to carry for verification if submitting in person.
vii. Fees – $345 Demand Draft to Consulate General of India, Toronto
viii. Photograph – take 1 51mmx51mm photo of the child
In my case, BLS pasted it at the bottom of page 3 of the printed Online form. Also the photo I took was in white background. You would see in OCI portal stating that it should not be white but BLS has accepted my application with photo in white background. Also, fortunately they did not ask for any date of Photo, may be because my daughter is just 2 months old which means her photo could not have been older than 6 months.
But I think no harm in getting photo dated.
viii-a.The instruction for uploading photo remains same as mentioned in blog. However, for minors it has to be thumb print.
For my 2 months old daughter, I took her left thumb print in a paper. I have read somewhere for boys, it should be right thumb print. But I do not think during application submission, it is of any importance if it is right or left. Take the digital image of thumb print. Follow same process as mentioned in the blog for the signature.
viii-b. Follow the instruction in blog on scanned images. scanned images of below documents would be required.
viii-b.1 Canadian Passport of child
viii-b.2 Indian passport of one parent/grandparent based on whom the OCI is being applied
. In my case, I scanned Indian passports as well as PR Cards of both me and my wife in one pdf document.
viii-b.3 Birth certificate of the child.
If the birth certificate is in French, I think it requires some additional steps. But since mine was English, it was straight forward.b
viii-b.4 Marriage certificate.
step 3: Same as in blog. I am listing only those points which could be different for minor born in Canada.
Part A
3.1 Place of Birth - Just mention the city name as indicated in canadian passport of the child. Do not add CAN as indicated in the passport. While filling the form, you are already selecting country of birth. So when you print the form, you will place of birth as XXXX, CANADA.
3.2 Visible Distinguishing Mark - Leave it blank
3.3 Visible Mark - If your child/baby has no mark, just say NONE.
3.4 Applicant’s Passport Details - Fill up this section as per Canadian passport. Place of issue is the issuing authority reflected in the canadian passport of the child.
3.5 Applicant’s Family Details: Fill up names in this section EXACTLY as per parents' Indian Passports.
3.5.1 Relation with the root Indian: Select either parents. Ensure the scanned document mentioned in viii-b.2 for the selected parent
3.6 Upload Canadian Passport of child under CURRENT PASSPORT
3.7 upload Indian passport of parent identified as root under CURRENT INDIAN PASSPORT OF PARENTS/GRAND PARENTS/GREAT GRAND PARENTS/SPOUSE
3.8 upload child's birth certificate under RELATIONSHIP CERTIFICATE
3.9 upload Marriage certificate under MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE
Rest steps for filling application online and generating the form for print is same as in blog.
4. Below are additional points which I did for my application submission in BLS.
4.1 Arranged the application as per the checklist and also included a print of the checklist at top as it is the first document in the list.
4.2 In checklist, I filled "To be Verified by applicant" as verified and also filled Name of the Applicant (minor name), BLS Centre and Date. left the CANO No. and signature of application blank. No question was asked at BLS.
4.3 On Page 3, I got the thumb print of my child in the declaration section. Also, under Application for Minor Child section, we both parents signed. Also, ensure you date the section along with the place.
4.4 Also attest all the copies by both parents.
Besides the experience will be same with BLS. Had to shell out 45 bucks for whatever service and courier to get the OCI delivered.
Hope this post helps!!