This web says that Occupation list is changes and They have removed some NOC from 38 Demand List and make it to 29 NOC list listed in below paragraph.
I think, It is true but It has very disappointed us.
FSW Progam Occupation list changed - Update June 26, 2010
Skilled Worker
The Skilled Worker Program is a points based system used to grant Permanent Resident status to applicants who are able to demonstrate an ability to become economically established in Canada. The point system is composed of six (6) factors, in which an applicant needs to score at least 67 points in order to be eligible.
NEW! Federal Skilled Worker applicants must also have at least one year of continuous full-time or equivalent paid work experience in the past 10 years in one of 29 qualifying occupations; or Arranged Employment; or have legally lived in Canada for at least one year as a Temporary Foreign Worker or International Student and currently be residing in Canada.
CAP!! A maximum of 20 000 Federal Skilled Worker applications,without an offer of arranged employment, will be considered for processing each year.Within the 20 000 cap, a maximum of 1 000 Federal Skilled Worker applications per National Occupation Classification(NOC) code will be considered for processing each year.
IELTS is required before submitting the application to CIO Sydney
The selection factors may be summarized as follows:
* Education: Applicants are awarded up to 25 points.
* Language Skills: Applicants are awarded up to 24 points.
* Experience: Applicants are awarded up to 21 points.
* Age: Applicants are awarded up to 10 points.
* Arranged Employment: Applicants are awarded up to 10 points.
* Adaptability: Applicants are awarded up to 10 points.
Whatever the number of points awarded, Canadian Immigration Visa Officers always have the discretion to accept or refuse an application based on a substituted evaluation.
In addition to scoring at least 67 points and having experience in one of the 29 occupations, successful applicants must show that they have enough money to support themselves and their dependants after arrival in Canada. Applicants and their dependants must also undergo medical examinations and security clearances as part of the Canadian immigration application process.
The list of 29 qualifying occupations was compiled based on consultations with provincial and territorial business and labour stakeholders. They have been identified as the most in-demand occupations in Canada.
Qualifying Occupations for Federal Skilled Worker applications
(listed by National Occupational Classification (NOC) categories)
* 0631 Restaurant and Food Service Managers
* 0811 Primary Production Managers (Except Agriculture)
* 1122 Professional Occupations in Business Services to Management
* 1233 Insurance Adjusters and Claims Examiners
* 2121 Biologists and Related Scientists
* 2151 Architects
* 3111 Specialist Physicians
* 3112 General Practitioners and Family Physicians
* 3113 Dentists
* 3131 Pharmacists
* 3142 Physiotherapists
* 3152 Registered Nurses
* 3215 Medical Radiation Technologists
* 3222 Dental Hygienists & Dental Therapists
* 3233 Licensed Practical Nurses
* 4151 Psychologists
* 4152 Social Workers
* 6241 Chefs
* 6242 Cooks
* 7215 Contractors and Supervisors, Carpentry Trades
* 7216 Contractors and Supervisors, Mechanic Trades
* 7241 Electricians (Except Industrial & Power System)
* 7242 Industrial Electricians
* 7251 Plumbers
* 7265 Welders & Related Machine Operators
* 7312 Heavy-Duty Equipment Mechanics
* 7371 Crane Operators
* 7372 Drillers & Blasters — Surface Mining, Quarrying &
* 8222 Supervisors, Oil and Gas Drilling and Service
The occupation list is current as of June 26, 2010