Don't worry. If your work permit expires before you get PPR, just prepare an application to extend your work permit. Mail it to them before your current permit expires. The point is to buy yourself some time. As long as you mail it out before expiry date, you will have the implied status, which allows you to stay in Canada legally and continue working. Your implied status ends when they make a final decision on your application, which takes at least 3 months. By that time you will have PPR for sure. That's why you should file paper application, because the processing time is longer. I've done this for my friend and my brother, you just need to make sure you include all the documents needed, so they can't reject your application and send it back. If you get PPR before final decision, they will give you a refund. So you have nothing to lose.amaan008 said:i am so worried .My bridge is expiring next month and no dm no ppr yet .Dont know what to do .I want to bang my head with frustration