Yes, hopefully our turn is next!Alex2028 said:Congrates hopeful! You made it!
Yes, hopefully our turn is next!Alex2028 said:Congrates hopeful! You made it!
Are you MPNP applicant too? BG check still not needed?umanitoba said:Yes, hopefully our turn is next!
December 21 still BG not applicable. No DM too on ecas.umanitoba said:Any inland December applicant still awaiting PPR or DM?
What's your occupation? I wonder if it has anything to do with our occupation.Rockandroll said:December 21 still BG not applicable. No DM too on ecas.
Can you share your timeline?amaan008 said:hi I just saw in forum .Some of the applicants who filed in july/September/October still haven't received their ppr and when they made case specific enquiry they got message .Its under final review .I wonder if we have same the problem cuz whenever I called cic they said its under final review .Hopefully they finish off within 16 months or my life is screwed cuz I haven't been to home for 5 years and im so frustrated and my gf is waiting to get married and she will leave me .She waited for too long .I don't know why cic is doing this to us .Its so frustrating .Theres no way to describe my feeling
Don't think occupation is a factor. I am an engineer with very good job though. I have spouse as dependent so I think that might be the factor.xinyangsuper said:What's your occupation? I wonder if it has anything to do with our occupation.
that's pretty much in line with everyone else, within 3-4 week toleranceAsiliv84 said:November 23, 2015 applicant
Medical received by CIC: 10 November 2016
BG in process since 10 Feb. 2017
(AINP - Married)
No DM, No PPR yet!!
I understand your feeling. I was an international student too. At least your BG was in process since January. Mine is still not applicable. If somebody is going to face the over 16 months delay, it's more likely me than you. You see a lot of people got DM and PPR within two days, and thier BG is still in process. Who knows? Next week might be your turn. At least you BG is in process...amaan008 said:HI XINGYA SUPER MY timeline application received :November 23
medical : some where in November
Background check in progress since janaury .Called cic multiple time they said everything is in order or passed background check is passed and security is passed and waiting for final review since last month .My 16 months will be finished on march 23 .I don't know im so frustrated and so stressed .Why do cic don't care about international students .I want to do something in career .I cant leave my job nor I can do anything . Its so frustrating .Everything is on hold
Thanks for sharing. Obviously is not the occupation... I am single and you are married, but we are in the same boat... Might be the officer's fault. Maybe we got the same officer and he went on a vacation or just too lazy to update our status...Rockandroll said:Don't think occupation is a factor. I am an engineer with very good job though. I have spouse as dependent so I think that might be the factor.