Both options I linked can be edited by you. For the spreadsheet you just request edit access.
For MyImmiTracker you just sign in.
MyImmiTracker has lots of filters you can use. Once you are signed in.
On the spreadsheet you can create a filter review very easily on the header row and filter however you want.
Thanks for sharing. Managed to not make any modifications at the source, but loaded the data, fixed some inconsistencies and added some features.
Will test the update at the end of the day.
RemoveBlankRows = Table.SelectRows(PromoteHeaders, each ([ID] <> "")),
RenameColumn = Table.RenameColumns(RemoveBlankRows,{{"PhP days", "Physical Presence Days"}}),
ReplaceError = Table.ReplaceValue(RenameColumn,
each [Physical Presence Days],
each if [Physical Presence Days] = "1812, 1532" then 1532
else if [Physical Presence Days] = "1095 + 4 Months" then 1215
else if [Physical Presence Days] = "1097-1103" then 1100
else [Physical Presence Days],