Hi Carla2016,Hi Fafa,
Only background check and test are marked completed for me. All the rest in process except oath not started. That's strange you didn't receive test invite email. But you don't receive an email when you test is marked complete.
As for the next step this cannot be predicted as Cic alone decide on a case to case base
As for the next
Thank you for your reply. I phoned CIC 3 days before my deadline to take the test to make sure I indeed don’t get the email and they said that they did send the email but probably there was a glitch or some sort. I just hope no one else experience it , or if they do , it happens to someone who check online tracker regularly (I certainly didn’t do it before all this happened)
This case to case basis is certainly frustrating, isn't it ? That’s why I don’t check my online tracker nor this forum often . I get anxious easily and what’s the point of getting anxious when I can’t do anything about it. Hopefully, come summer they’ll sped up the process ( I don’t see how it correlates but hopeful thinking won’t hurt, will it ?
Have a great day!