about GCMS notes,
I ordered them twice, in june and july, yet receive any.
i guess their system is overloaded, they are doing whatever they can, you can say its all about luck now.
even when your case is final, approved, they are taking 2 weeks to 4 weeks to send PPR email.
or they being lazy and incompetent, which might not be the case, because of September intake of students , which is the major intake, compared to January and may intakes.
how big ?? just a half million international students.
selling study is trillion dollar industry for them.
if half million got the visa, just imagine the rejected visa numbers, I am guessing, at-least 50,000 or more, just 10% of that number.
another thing, its summer there, means no snow, pleasant weather, they do marriages and other functions in this time of the year, so relatives living all around the world, comes in flocks, add those visa applications number to above, guessing another half million.
and this time while graduating, international students, invite their parents/family to convocation functions
not only this, construction work or other major businesses got surge in this time, and work permit visa applications from all over the world,
at last, maybe I am just rationalizing the situation to feel better, to give myself hope, that, on one fine early morning my phone will say "ting" I will be able to jump after noticing Canadian immigration in notification, maybe there will be some tears of joy seeing that they need my passport.
who-knows, what is going on, till then sit tight.