Hey guys,
I hope you all are doing great!
I had my citizenship interview today and I want to share my experience to potentially help anyone who needs it:
*Keep in mind this is specific to the Vancouver test centre and you might have a very different experience.
The interview was scheduled at 12:20 pm; arrived at 11:40 am; the doors of the main room didn't open until around 12:00 pm (the building, however, was open); public parking is right next to the building and very plentiful (I was concerned about this, haha).
People who accompanied the candidate could enter the main room, where the interview happens, but not the test room. The people who had to take the test were invited to another room, while the people who had only the interview had their appearance notices taken away.
Interviews started at around 12:30 pm, before then, there were no citizenship officers. The interviews happen in booths, much like in a bank, and they will call your name.
The questions were straight-forward, much to the likes of "do you have family in Canada?" and "do you travel to the US often?". Passport and other two IDs checked. Passport stamps dates are then verified against your physical presence calculator. I stated that I also had official passport stamp translations, my COPR, among other things, should the officer wished to see them. The officer did not need them.
After all stamps are checked, you are done! Other small talk or questions might come up to your specific case, as I've (unintentionally) heard from adjacent booths, but that's pretty much it!
In the end, you will receive some reiterated version of:" you are all good! Wait for oath in 2-5 months." , which seems to be Canada-wide.
The whole process for me is around 1 hour from my scheduled time on the invite, which 40 minutes is just simply waiting.
An additional (kind-of-comical) note about my specific case:
Remember (not that I expect you to) when I received an ECAS update about a correspondence sent on April.10th and was convinced it was going to be an RQ? I checked my mailbox religiously (and very-nervously) every day but nothing came.
At the end of my interview, my agent asked me to request a Police certificate from a certain country. I pointed out it was already sent with my original application, and promptly spotted a corner of that document in question sticking out from the bottom of her file because it had a distinct colour. The officer was genuinely surprised at the discovery and took it to verify with someone else.
I then inquired about my ECAS update and she told me the police certificate is what it was, and I won't receive anything in the mail because she was planning on giving it to me in the interview this whole time.
So yeah, a bit of an oversight on the officer's part but it is totally crisis averted for me. I am so relieved, and once again reminded that unnecessary anxiety is just that --- unnecessary.
Anyways, it was an overall amazing experience and an amazing day! (It also really helped that Vancouver is uncharacteristically sunny today, haha.)