There is no doubt that it could have resulted in refusal and I would not advise anyone to do that unless they are comfortable with taking the risk. That being said though, seeing how FBI has such a long processing window (it took 3 months and 8 days for me) for the PCC, it was pretty much a common occurrence and CIC was well aware of that. They are willing to work with you as long as you show proof that you've done your part in getting the PCC. In my case, I received ITA on August 9th, my packet was delivered to FBI on August 1st. Despite the 8 days difference, I did not get the PCC in time to submit it within my 90 days window. As for the second ADR, if my memory serves me right, a PCC is needed for any countries that you've been to for 6+ months since the age of 18. Since I left Haiti before tuning 18, I did not think that I needed the PCC for Haiti. Had I known that, I would have submitted it from the get go. Speaking of Haiti PCC (while it may not be relevant to you), in trying to figure where and how to get it, I found out that it may or may not be needed and it usually is at the discretion of the officer working on the case.