Hello everyone,
I need your help for something
I have the TEF CANADA ((listening and speaking) dated on july 2015, is it still valide for citizenship or do i have to redo it ? there is no mention of the validity of the test is it good for 1, 2 or whatever numeber of years
Test d’Évaluation de Français (TEF), Test d’Évaluation du Français adapté au Québec (TEFAQ) or TEF pour la naturalisation. ◦After July 1st, 2012, you must have achieved a score of:

Niveau B1, B2, C1 or C2 in Compréhension de l’oral and Expression orale.
◦Before July 1st, 2012, you must have achieved a score of:

Niveau 3 or higher in Compréhension de l’oral and Expression orale. (Please note: if the Test d’Évaluation de Français (TEF) was taken before July 1st, 2012, a level 3 is required for expression orale only. This applies only to the TEF and not the TEFAQ or TEF pour la naturalisation).
PLUS I have my diploma issued from Algeria (Arabic contry) but the program was in French so I don't know what to select.
I'm wiling to apply nov 14th. Can i select both options ?
Good luck everyone