OrangeCup said:Den,
You are not the only one. It seems to be happening to other people. There is a separate thread on LOT (Local office transfer) disappearance on this forum. From there you can see that it happened to other offices too, not just Ottawa, but Montreal and others. What does it mean? To be honest I have no clue. Some people say the files are being moved to central processing center, some pople say its a computer glitch and it will come back. CIC on the phone doesn't say anything. So no one really knows. my timeline is same as yours, except file transferred to Ottawa in March. But my line disappeared too and hasn't come back yet.
One can only hope that we'll get the test invite soon and that everything is going to work out.
It might not be the best response, but I hope it puts you at ease. You are not the only one who's line disappeared.
If someone else has other thoughts, please share. It is frustrating to see lines disappear... especially when you are waiting for MORE lines to be added with test invite date.....
Thanks a lot for you answer! Knowing that I am not the only guy with this problem really really puts me at ease. I was really frustrated when I saw that line disappeared. I got the feeling that my case started to move into backward direction