Re: NOVA SCOTIA Provincial Nominee Program January 2015 - got nomination...
hogiamisan said:
Congrats !!!
Wish you all the best for next steps with CIC.
BTW, Could you please share what were the questions from NSNP when they asked for additional docs? Your tips to answer those questions are also highly appreciated !
Regarding questions , they asked the same kind of usual questions.
1 you have not provided the breakdown of noc duty in comparison with your responsibility
2 salary slips , bank statement , credit card statement latest
3 what research you hav done about Nova Scotia
4 you don't have any relatives in Nova Scotia , why you still want to come here
5 have you contacted any social groups
In opinion there is no specific answer for this . But never copy anything from anyone . Do actual research , try to find a community group from your state or try to find out someone from your state over Facebook..
I found one person from my state over Facebook. I started chatting with him and finally he had given his address and phone number so that I can mention in additional docs... I spoke to him over phone ...
This really helped me in completing the form.. Research about Nova Scotia can be done from different website . There are lot of advantages for Nova Scotia over other provinces like less traffic , less cost for real estates, less pollution, good community , nice schools and better climate while comparing with other extreme provinces in Canada. Pls do work for collection info about landing, things to do, renting apartment, getting insurance card, pr card , opening bank ac, import ants of keeping our credit card, credit relating system in Canada.. And lot more . Do actual research you will get lots of information...
One important thing is that never beg for nomination, keep your language error free, you need to impress the officer by your document, never say that I won't leave Nova Scotia. You state what you found with confidence.
Regarding the first question , I copied all my noc duty from their website and pasted in excel sheet and asked my supervisor to type the duties which I have done against . I have done the same for each position...
Answers can be given as paragraphs but make sure to give a nice and well drafted concluding paragraph..
They will give you nomination .., all the best...