you can find him/her with varma name in spreadsheet.shubhang_18 said:Hi,
can you share your timeline for Nomination process.. it will help us to calculate ours..
Whats your name in spreadsheet?
you can find him/her with varma name in spreadsheet.shubhang_18 said:Hi,
can you share your timeline for Nomination process.. it will help us to calculate ours..
My application was received on 6 March. I'm confused now, if they gave approx 200 certificates, why they stopped...hope 2015 said:when your application received?
You reply makes us feel relaxed thanks buddyamazingfortune said:I dont think they have stopped. They are processing the applications at hand and once that is done, they will issue more AoRs. That what I feel.
I totally agree with you Allen & amaging..!!allen877 said:You reply makes us feel relaxed thanks buddy
I agree. We should wait max two weeks if they finish jan apps and the last nomination number of jan doesnt exceed 200 so this theory is true then Feb and maybe March applicants will be hopeful to get aor.amazingfortune said:I dont think they have stopped. They are processing the applications at hand and once that is done, they will issue more AoRs. That what I feel.
You have very less chance of getting nomination this year. But its true that 414 is a very good point and soon the cut off score should rapidly keep dropping. Government of Canada aims to admit approximately 180,000 new immigrants in 2015. For more info see said:Hi everyone,
I have a question that I appreciate your logical discussions to it (I have sent my docs to Halifax on July 30 ... and I know mostly I won't get a chance this year ...but still please keep reading):
First let's take the following facts:
1- Most of the Provinces Nominations Programs are almost reaching their cap of 2015 (right?)
2- As per the CIC Mid-Year Report >> ( there are no more 2014 applications to be included in the withdrawals from the EE Pool.
3- The diversity of the scores who doesn't have a nomination or a job offer (who doesn't have the second 600) are mostly into the range 300 t0 450
4- Each round is about 1,500 ....
5- About 2 rounds per month (or minimum 3 rounds ever 2 month)
My question is:
Do you think that someone with a score of 414 (like me) would have a chance to be invited through EE rounds despite the Province Nomination in 2015 ?
What do you think about this ? ... Please be logic and rational in your answers
Thanks in advance for reading and reply.
Thank you for your positive thoughtsamazingfortune said:I dont think they have stopped. They are processing the applications at hand and once that is done, they will issue more AoRs. That what I feel.
As I am March applicant , hope you are not right hereamazingfortune said:Keeping in view the number of nominations that have been made during the last few days and the AoRs issued pending assessment, I am now beginning to seriously doubt the chances of March candidates. It is almost a given that cap will be reached in February applications.