Closely matching but not copying word-for-word the identified duties as they are listed on the website, ( ask your supervisor/hr officer to format the body of the work experience letter somewhat like the following...
To whom it may concern:
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this to confirm that Mr. xxx worked as a [job title] at [company name] on a [full time/part time] basis of xx hours a week between the dates of dd/mm/yyyy and dd/mm/yyyy. Mr. xxx's main duties during this employment consisted of the following:
[summary of duty 1]
[summary of duty 2]
[summary of duty 3]
[summary of duty 4]
[summary of duty 5]
[summary of duty 6]
[summary of duty 7]
[summary of duty 8]
[summary of duty 9]
[summary of duty 10]
During this employment Mr. xxx ‘s starting annual salary was $x and final annual salary when he left the position was $y.
[closing statement]
Yours faithfully
[Manager's name and signature Designation]
[ Company Stamp & Seal]
A good job related reference letter gives many details. It lists the projects you worked on, and the achievements you accomplished. Very importantly, it should also describe your day-to-day duties and tasks. These daily tasks may seem mundane, but they often demonstrate that you perform the duties of a certain position, and that you possess the required basic skills. It is important that the letter demonstrates that you know the basic skills of your position, and that you have already been trained in them. At a minimum, the letter should state your position, the length of your employment, salary, and a summary of your duties.
Letters that only indicate position, salary, and a statement that “he was a very good employee and we would hire him again” are not be sufficient! These letters are missing the important details of the applicant's roles and responsibilities while working with the company and will cause rejection of your application. Luckily NSNP operates in lenient way where they give us an opportunity to make clarifications before rejection.
Letters from your current and former (if any) employers describing your work experience are a very important part of your application. These letters should be detailed and must show the Canadian Immigration officer that you performed certain work activities for a specific duration in accordance with your skills and qualifications. It is also advisable to include a few pay stubs or copies of work contracts if available. It is highly advisable that the letter is on the company's original letterhead, showing the company's full address, contact details, and be stamped with the company's official seal. Importantly, the letter should include contact details and signature for the person that wrote the letter.
Good luck...