Thanks dear jackdawn for your response. I really need your some more opinion to write the both answers.
Reference to the Q1 I do not have any relatives in Ontario even in Canada. instead i have just visited Ontario once in the year 2016 while going to USA. in this situation what should i write to convince the officer?
Here you can clearly mention that the visit was a stop over and u have no contacts or relations with ONIP.
Reference to Q2 i have mention in my settlement plan as below;
"My desire to live in Nova Scotia stems from the accommodating spirit and the ample opportunities that abound there for me, my husband and my two beautiful kids. If I am accepted to stay in Nova Scotia, I intend to apply for jobs that are in line with my skills and experience, and also search for job opportunities for my husband who has vast experience in Finance, Accounting and Auditing profession with quality work background in the UAE. Alternatively, we could set up a small family business that would cater for our needs as a family."
-Can you please advise me how can i show that the above red option is not suitable for me and convince the officer?
You need to show some conviction here, show them what all u have done or doing to settle well in NS ( register for few job sites). Tell them u have registered with job sites specifically to find a job in ur NOC and have approached few company HR's for the same through linkedin. Tell them ul find a school for ur kids first and will take up a rental accommodation nearby. If ur spouse has good experinec write about his plans for a job.