I would just stick to the book. The questions are made from the information inside the book.Great effort, thanks for sharing. Much appreciated.
I had a question regarding Canada's population, in the book it is estimated to be ~34 million. But this information is kinda outdated now, based on the numbers shown on Statistics Canada: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/210318/dq210318c-eng.htm?indid=4098-1&indgeo=0
It is shown there that the population is estimated to be ~38 million.
Does anyone know what should be the answer we pick in the exam, if we get asked about the population? 34 million or 38 million?
In one of the practice tests, I chose 34 million and they said it was the wrong answer. They had provided a very specific number (may be based on the latest census) somewhere in 37 million.I would just stick to the book. The questions are made from the information inside the book.
Great job!There might be some formatting issues, sorry. But, I've done my best to summarize the entire Discover Canada book for the purpose of citizenship test. Good luck and all the very best!
While I have taken care to double check the information I have posted, there might be some errors that might have inadvertently crept in. Please use this as a supplement to the Discover Canada book.
Read the book once and then go through my notes in this thread. That'll help you quickly revise as you don't have to read the entire book again.
The practice tests out there are not official and the book itself mentions that it’s the only source of information you need.In one of the practice tests, I chose 34 million and they said it was the wrong answer. They had provided a very specific number (may be based on the latest census) somewhere in 37 million.
But I think you're right, it is better to stick to the answer in the book.