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Normal Processing Times from Calgary office?


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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I dont think that long, I am expecting october candidates will have their test in Nov/Dec this year ??

The transfer date is misleading if looked at on its own in rationalizing a test date...you need to consider the application date. CIC Calgary has October 2013 transfer in dates (from Sidney) for applicants submitting across Q3,Q4 2012 and Q1 2013. Why should someone who applied before you but got transferred in the same month because Calgary couldn't accept batch pulls due to the flooding get a test date same/similar date as you? They ought to be ahead of you by almost the same time difference in application dates. My take is Nov 2012 applicants will test in July/August 2014 with Dec 2012 applicants testing in the Fall 2014 unless some miracle happens at Calgary CIC....oh its summer season so vacation and the Stampede show (all those visitors flocking into Calgary eh taking up CBSA and CIC time)....I'm thinking I may be optimistic with my times actually!


Star Member
May 28, 2014
Msafiri, with C-24 having been given royal assent it wouldn't surprise me if you start to see some very quick processing times from Calgary and elsewhere even though the backlog hasn't yet been cleared. An application arrives, all the documents are checked and if it is a low risk application no red flags etc it could just end up being approved there and then subject to background checks as it no longer needs to go to a CJ.
If there any red flags then to the back of the queue the application goes. You start approving low risk applications virtually straight away it will do wonders for the average processing time. Unfortunately speeding up applications with red flags is always going to be harder.

Just a thought.


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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paw339 said:
Msafiri, with C-24 having been given royal assent it wouldn't surprise me if you start to see some very quick processing times from Calgary and elsewhere even though the backlog hasn't yet been cleared. An application arrives, all the documents are checked and if it is a low risk application no red flags etc it could just end up being approved there and then subject to background checks as it no longer needs to go to a CJ.
If there any red flags then to the back of the queue the application goes. You start approving low risk applications virtually straight away it will do wonders for the average processing time. Unfortunately speeding up applications with red flags is always going to be harder.

Just a thought.
1. Residence requirements of C-24 will be implemented in June 2015 as per CIC press release on the Royal Assent. So backlogs outside Ontario going nowhere since inventory increasing daily. If anything it may get even slower as a sizable number of PRs seem to be taking the view they will apply with Basic Residence and risk the RQ and see CJ long haul then re-apply at/post June 2015. Possible regulations in the new bill may state if you have 2 applications in the system when it comes to file review the most recent one takes precedent but I haven't reviewed the clauses.

2. Even pre C-24 Ontario was processing applicants in record speed.What was stopping CIC from doing the same in Calgary? I will play Devil's Advocate and wager that the proportion of RQs is lower for Calgary/Edmonton than Ontario since AB has near enough full employment so the main RQ trigger of self employment/ unemployment is of lower proportion too. This means a higher proportion of applicants are routine - why should they wait 20 months to get to a test date? There is an issue at the Local Office but no one except CIC knows what it is but resource has to be a concern and if its not then productivity is lower than low!

3. Buried in these discussions is the fact that unless CIC are running background checks at or soon after transfer date then all Calgary applicants have expired checks that are re-run i.e. everybody must be re-run...is this what the hold up is since this creates a scheduling headache? If yes then a new transfer would be slotted in for a test if all or most of the 'old' inventory is waiting on checks! Well I would ask those on the excel timeline to say when their background checks were run. If CIC as I believe are running checks at transfer time then what other excuse is there for a delay.

4. In Ontario the faster processing has been across the board for all routine applicants and pre-test RQd applicants (post OB407). RQd applicants prior to OB407 (especially at test and post test) still face delay with files at St Clair. If you mean CIC will speed up new applications in Calgary now how do they even do this if they have batch files from Q3/Q4 2012 not even in the test phase?

5. Actually point 4 above raises a conundrum for applicants pre Feb 2014 (latest version of CIT002) whose applications have been transferred to Calgary but not yet scheduled for test. Do they send in additional documents that those submitting Feb 2014 form have so they can better prove their residence?

To summarize I don't quite share your optimism because the Local Office set up is a mystery...normally in the business world a successful model is implemented across the board so whatever Ontario are doing should be done at all the other Local Offices..why is it not? But more importantly so what if its not there isn't a complaints department at CIC!


Star Member
Nov 29, 2013
I am starting to feel that everywhere else except AB and SK is improving in terms of the processing time.


Jun 7, 2014
Panorama47 said:
W8inginlyn said:
Did anyone take an exam on June 3, 2014 and received an oath notice?
Submitted app: sept '12
Notice of receipt: Dec '12
Processing: Feb '13
Transferred to Calgary CiC: Oct '13
Notice of exam: May '14
exam: June 6, '14
Waiting for oath letter...
I was told they if they did not call me that day i will receive the invite thru mail but someone called me from a (403) number that hid one number and have missed it! Of course i can't call back because one number is missing! My hubby and I left right away asap we knew we passed because our dear kids are waiting for us. I am frustrated and needed to know if there is somebody here who got the same experience as mine... Or if someone here had their oath already from that batch. Thanks.
Please update the excel sheet with your time line if you have not done yet. Where is your local office ?

I want to go to excel sheet and have it updated with my timeline and i ca't even figure out how to reply the right way here.


Full Member
Feb 4, 2014
HI Guys,
I was on vacation for a week.
Congrats Panorama, has your ECas updated yet?
Your LOT was 17th Oct and mine was 5th NOV, We are 3 weeks apart in the LOT, So apparently my test date should be 3 weeks from your test date, But things are all over the place with stats on the sheet, it would be wrong to even assume so.

So lets hope for the best and see what happens.



Star Member
Nov 29, 2013
Hi Calgary folks,
I am sorry if this sounds stupid as I am not very familiar with the political system here.
Can we get our MP's help to find out/rectify what's going with our local office ? or it's just a temporary issue with the flood backlog ?
I feel almost every other local office is moving except for ours.


Star Member
Apr 9, 2014
I actually don't get it. Why is there a big backlog due to floods? I work downtown and only had Friday and Monday off due to flooding last year. As far as i remember, Calgary was back to normal in two weeks, even offices which got flooded. To me it just doesn't makes sense that in those two weeks somehow CIC Calgary office was able to accumulate a huge backlog which is delaying the process even after a year. So highly doubt that its the flooding backlog. What do you guys think??


Star Member
Apr 9, 2014
@ yycdxb, somehow your timeline on the sheet were deleted. Can you please update them thanks.

Guys, please make sure that other people's timelines are not deleted or altered when updating the sheet. Thanks.


Hero Member
Mar 19, 2014
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AlexRox said:
Hi Calgary folks,
I am sorry if this sounds stupid as I am not very familiar with the political system here.
Can we get our MP's help to find out/rectify what's going with our local office ? or it's just a temporary issue with the flood backlog ?
I feel almost every other local office is moving except for ours.
maybe all paper applications were in water so they have to dry them up thats why it takes so long for calgary.


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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civic said:
maybe all paper applications were in water so they have to dry them up thats why it takes so long for calgary.
Local Office capacity issues that have not been addressed (historic case flow from several forums show +15 month processing backlogs started even before OB407). The flooding may have held up things for a while but its ceased being even a possible excuse for the delays. No political will either as citizenship provision is not a vote winner in AB. Its a missed opportunity in Bill C-24 for files to be transferred to where there is more capacity in the system as a fall back though best option is to deal with local capacity issues.


Star Member
Apr 9, 2014
In Calgary, for you and I it was just 2days and within weeks most of the people recovered, not for those people sitting in immigration local offices and eating tax payers money and accumulating work for years(sorry actually creating future work). Eventhough they may not be directly effected in calgary floods there is always a reason, say their friend’s exgirlfirend’s parents , thier stepmother’s exhusband’s uncle could be anybody as long as their salary is not linked to any performance measurement. I dont say all of them are bad, but most of them yes, as I dont really see any progress in decreasing backlog they created. I think we need to take this to CBC Go-public. Lot of tax payer’s money is wasted and I don’t think immigration minister is focusing Calgary office anymore.



Star Member
Nov 29, 2013
I agree, it would be great we as a group can draw some attention of this issue for the benefit of the current/future applicants. In fact, I guess most of us contribute to the society paying federal tax more than the national average here in AB, so we deserve a fair treatment.

However, there are 17 oath ceremonies in June, so I guess that would be more than 1000 new Canadians. In other words one could argue Calgary is moving . But no test invites !! I am trying to understand why..


Champion Member
Nov 18, 2012
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AlexRox said:
.....However, there are 17 oath ceremonies in June, so I guess that would be more than 1000 new Canadians. In other words one could argue Calgary is moving . But no test invites !! I am trying to understand why..
Significant number of 2010/2011 applicants with a sprinkling of Q1/Q2 2012.....knowledge and applicants going for Writ of Mandamus ( @ 36 mths for routine) is gathering pace and CIC are 'nervous' about anything going to court.