@crxksa @Sana mirza @Naturgrl @wonderbly @scylla @aspirant256
applying from home country is not a solution as Naturgrl said VO will know that u just flown back. I i did JR myself alone 2 days ago and i did all work hard to understand the articles and laws for JR. Its possible you can open a JR yourself and it will safe your money arround 4 to 6k CAD$ because handing over to solicitor full JR case will cost around 8K and its not guarantee of JR success and incase if you lose then ur 8k wasted, but what i realized we can do ourself till stage first means GRANT a Leave which we can do ourself and if judge grant a leave then might b no need for solicitor for hearing purpose in court because emmabssy will come to settlement or if need hearing we can hire a solicitor in 1000 to 2000k or any friend or family which is free or we may request to judge for video conference, everything is possible. It is very important for us to get Grant a leave from Judge. If judge grant leave then 50 to 90% chances are that embassy will come to settlement for reconsideration from different visa officer, its happened with me in past with me for UK and embassy came to settlement before judge granted leave and i got UK Visa. .......... i sharig you a successful case from UAE for which judge granted leave but i do not know that applicant got visa or not after successful JR but lookslike she/he got study permit.......... if open a JR keep in mind you must show that u have steady employment in UAE, Ties in UAE, and offcourse property in home country and purpose of visit then very good chances of success in JR,
I will assisst everyone for JR once my decision come which i am expecting in next 10 days.
read this link and i am sure u will know about yourself either u should go for JR or not. applying again and again from UAE will be rejected from abu dhabi office on basis of employment prospect, current employment situation and ties in country of residence.... i seen few JR dismissed from Judge because VO responded to judge in JR that if applicant go for study in canada from UAE then his/her UAE visa will be invalid after 6 month as its mentioned on our visas.... i found 3 to 4 cases rejected in JR which is very bad because its not true that our visas will be invalid, its clearly mentioned on MOHRE if a person go for study from UAE he she can come back on same visa by showing admission letter or any evidence on Dubai Abu Dhabi airport,,,, i dont know why solicitors forgot to mention these point in JR while Visa officer clearly responded on this issue and judge dismissed the case.... foolish and stupidity on its peak
successful JR
Judge remarks on one another case from UAE..... its foolish but not the judge, its applicant and solicitor
IV. Conclusion and Disposition
[12] The officer’s finding that granting Ms Haroon a study visa would likely result in a loss of her residency status in the UAE and, therefore, that she would not be able to return there after her visa expired, was not unreasonable on the evidence. Further, in not convening an interview with Ms Haroon, the officer did not treat her unfairly in the circumstances. Therefore, I must dismiss this application for judicial review. Neither party proposed a question of general importance for me to certify, and none is stated.