I couldn't figure out what topic applies, sorry. We are USA resident's living in Vermont. My husband has been a volunteer coach at a Canadian University (lacrosse) for 15 years or so, driving back and forth about 3 times a week during the fall season. This weekend while heading up to meet the bus for a weekend of away games he was not allowed admittance to Canada and told he had to produce work papers before he would be let back in. The school recognizes his team on their new web site and supports them with a locker room and laundry but the team is still officially a "club" team and the school does not fund them or employ the 2 coaches. The acting Athletic Director however is very supportive and willing to do whatever needs to be done to get him back in Canada, it's the middle of the season and the season is short enough. The AD passed the need on to the school HR department but they make it sound like this is more complicated and will take longer than the day or two the agent who turned him away on Sat. led him to believe it would be. Is there an expedited way to get him back to practice? Apparently he can't go into Canada now for any reason, even to see friends or go to the airport (all things we have done for years being so close to the boarder) until he provides these papers. Any suggestions about what direction to take?