Sorry, I made a wrong expression. I meant diabetes is not affecting his application by any means. I am working in this field and that is why I am answeringWho are you and why would you tell someone to ignore my point? You say it "mainly" focusses on infectious diseases, but neglect to mention that there is also a focus on "excess demand" - there's a reason why your and my IME Form stated that we fall under the code "Non-EDE" - meaning, "Non-Excess Demand Exempt" and hence my reference to the $120,285 threshold.
I didn't make this up - I know people who have had procedural fairness letters issued due to severe cases of non-communicable diseases including HIV, Crohn's, diabetes and autism. You don't need to have an infectious disease just to be costly to the taxpayer, you could require significant physical treatments that would cause a breach of the excess demand thresholds.
So do not tell people to "ignore this point" when it is valid. Do not tell people that they can submit exams "without any problem" when you have no clue about the severity of their medical conditions or what the medical may find.