@Miss bee - I received my GCMS notes today, and the summary from 24th October indicates the following:
Eligibility: review required
Criminality x PA and spouse
Security x PA and spouse Ready for CO review
CPO to review Schedule A (section 6)
CPO to review Info sharing
Ready for CPO review
It is currently marked as ready for CPO review, and I haven’t had any updates since then. My PVO is Etobicoke. I previously had a Study Permit refusal and also obtained my PGWP through flagpoling. In the Statutory Questions (IMM5669), I answered "Yes" for the question on previous refusals but "No" for previous denial of entry (as I misunderstood the wording). However, I did provide an explanation for both in the description section. Could this be a concern, and if so, what should I expect next?