rjessome said:
The children must be medically examined at the time their parent(s) was in order to be considered a member of the family class. They can then be sponsored after the parent has landed in Canada and becomes a permanent resident. The parent must be residing in Canada at the time of sponsoring the children.
A related question, please Rjessome?
I have read several explanations of why Canada requires information and medicals for family members, even where at the time of PR application there is NO plan to bring them to Canada. None of these explanations made compete sense.
My thought is that if the PR changes his/her mind and wants to bring children to Canada later, t
hat is the proper time (not at PR application time) to get medicals and provide extensive information. Until then, it seems a waste of Canada's time to examine these non-accompanying family members.
And in the case of a bitter divorce, where the non-accompanying ex-spouse refuses to cooperate by getting the children medically examined, the would-be PR has a real problem on his or her hands.