mrshah30 said:
thx 4 ur information guyz actually i am concerned abt couple of things.
one is about 1122 catagory says two types of experiences management and advertising..i have advertising one can i qualify ...
also..i have police clearances from australia and ireland as soon as i left the countries will they be ok to send to CIO as they are three months old.. but i never been to those countries..after getting the police clearnces.
kindly..assisst me...
And copying and pasting my answer to you for the 3rd time:
I believe the police clearances have to be within 6 months of the application. You can still write to them from overseas - for the Australia one you can ask them to send it directly to the high commission but it will cost you about A$105. Not sure about the Ireland one. There's no way that the Canadian government can prove that you never went back. I left Australia 15 years ago and never went back and still had to provide police clearances.
If you want your question to get attention, try starting a new post instead of posting multiple times.