I have part time work experience as assistant manger for around 450 hours. plus I just got hired as a full time supervisor at shoppers. can i count them up to after few months for the sake of 1560 hours.
No, not exactly. For your part-time work (less than 30 hours per week), you calculate the full-time equivalent (FTE) - 450 hours / 30 hours per week = 15 weeks FTE. Since one year is 52 weeks, you will need to work another 37 weeks in your full-time job before you qualify. That's about another 9 months, but you need to count the weeks.
coming from technical educational background. can i apply for certificate of qualification from ontario? my education is masters but no prior experience. however i think i may be able to get 7.5 ielts band each, 8 in listening. this sums up to almost 425 points.
Sorry, I have no idea what you are talking about... As I previously stated, COQs only apply to the skilled trades identified above, and you have said nothing about being a plumber or electrician or mechanic...
i heard that if some one can get more than 400 points they can apply for ontario express entry.
Sort of. If you post your profile and you have at least 400 CRS points, and you indicate you are interested in settling in Ontario, then the Ontario PNP may give you an invite to apply to the PNP program. You cannot apply without the invitation. And, at the moment, the Ontario PNP program is closed, and no idea when it will re-open. But it is a possible path.