abuali69 said:
My open question to all doctors, What are you planning to do in Canada? How are you preparing yourself ? any In sight? link ? please help.
Hello ABUALI69 .
Congratulations on your PER.
Any international graduate in canada will have a tough time to get residency seats as we all know, infact its tougher than the USMLE. First of all an IMG will need to pass the MCCEE ( exams in march and september i guess only) .This MCCEE can be taken in Canada or outside of Canada. It can be taken in 500 prometric centres in about 80 countries. Currently In S.ASIA only available in India,Pakistan and Nepal. Then IMG must pass NAC exam, MCCQE 1 and MCCQE 2 and then must be matched to start residency in Canada( only available in Canada).
Notice must be taken that these exams are conducted not more than twice a year , given that if an IMG passes them all, he will be spending a good 2 years of his time before even having a chance to start residency in Canada.
If anyone wishes to test their skills these mock tests can be taken on a computer with your physiciansapply.ca account. There at left bottom we have self administered exam, where we can take MOCK MCCEE and MCCQE 1 exam after a payment through credit card. Mock test are of 4 hours duration and can be taken over a week in our computer.
Bro its not easy for an IMG in Canada as it seems but it definitely is worth giving a try .
One question to u my friends . it seems like i have only been commenting on other guys post but how do i write an independent post of my own. hehe