obaied said:
same problem here
1.as our experienced forum members said dont need :-[ :-[ :-[
2. i also looking for this answer :



Lemon Bro, pl help us
i got mail form MCC
Physicians seeking an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) should:
Visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website for a full list of requirements to apply under the Federal Skilled Worker Program.
If they have not already submitted their medical diploma for source verification to the MCC (either through MCC-Online, PCRC-Online or physiciansapply.ca)
Open an account with physiciansapply.ca
Submit a source verification request (SVR) for their final medical diploma. Note — candidates will need to pay an account fee, if not previously paid, and a document fee
Send a copy of the final medical diploma to the MCC. If the document is in a language other than English or French, the document will need to be translated.
The required identity documentation will also need to be submitted (Certified Identity Confirmation form and a certified copy of a valid/non-expired passport).
Please note that if you send your original medical credentials and/or identity documents, they will not be returned to you.
Go to their physiciansapply.ca account and request (under Other Service Requests) an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) report. To obtain the ECA report fee, visit the Examination and service fees page on our website.
The ECA report will be issued after the successful completion of the source verification process and will be mailed to the candidate directly. In addition, a copy of the ECA report will be available on their physiciansa