bhallaji said:
Dr Tarekk what is CSQ ? AOR ?
my dear bhallaji,it is Certificat de sélection du Québec,i am Quebec Skilled Worker,not FSW like u,i applied for province of Quebec in 2010 and i got this certificate from Quebec's gouvenment at the end of 2013,then applied for permanent residence visa,now i am waiting just medical and security check coz i have passed eligibilty having CSQ.
CSQ is an offcial Certificate issued by government of Quebec provided to the applicants who want to immigrate to the Quebec Province of Canada. The CSQ designation is then issued on the basis of the applicant's qualifications, work experience, language ability (French and English) and a few other factors.Here is some quotes from CIC about my program of immigration:
First: You must apply to the Quebec government for a certificate of selection (Certificat de sélection du Québec). This shows that Quebec has accepted you as an immigrant. Quebec will assess you using its own rules.
Second: If Quebec chooses you, you must then apply to Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) for permanent residence.As part of the process, you will need to have a medical exam and get a police check (certificate).
AOR: Acknowledgement of Receipt from the Canadian Immigration Visa Office
good luck my dear