Hello guys

I am new here. I am an applicant for 2232 and my documents received to CIC on December, 18th. my money has not been encashed yet. as I see the Global spreadsheet i find that new encashments are for people waiting for 55, 56 days or less. I have been waiting for encashment for 58 days by now.
what do you think about my application? you think it is delayed or rejected? you think the overall cap is getting filled and they are trying to select the best people among all? I think they do not oblige themselves to fill the exact 25000 people for the overall cap considering the Express Entry system. I want your ideas and advice on this matter. what do you think is going on because there are some people waiting for for example 55 days and suddenly one is encashed but the others are left unencashed. what is going on guys, does anybody know? what is going to happen to the others whose money has not been encashed yet?
Thanks in advance.