I am working as an accountant in my current company in Toronto, ON since Oct/14, and my PGWP is going to expire Jul/16. I almost missed the PNP, which is because they are asking to apply within two-year graduation and I was graduated in Apr/12.
And now I am planning to ask my employer to get LMIA to support my Express Entry application on Oct/15, which I will be qualified for one year experience under CEC on Oct/15.
1. Just wonder if it is possible for NOC1111 to get LMIA, any successful examples in 2015? and how long does it take? Because I think it is pretty hard to prove that the employer could not hire a Citizen to do accounting work.
2. It says "Employers applying for a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) must pay the TFW: at a minimum, the posted prevailing wage for the occupation and work location where the TFW will be employed. So the prevailing wage for NOC1111 is $30.77 (based on jobbank.gc.ca) or $21.00 (based on esdc.gc.ca)?
3. It says "Cap on Low-wage category Positions
Employers offering a wage to a TFW that is below the provincial/territorial median hourly wage will be subject to a maximum 10% cap on the proportion of low-wage TFWs. The cap will be phased in over the next 2 years to provide employers who use the Program with time to transition to a Canadian workforce.
Employers that have a low-wage TFW workforce will be:
limited to 30% or frozen at their current level, whichever is lower;
reduced to 20% beginning July 1, 2015; and
further reduced to 10% on July 1, 2016.
The 10% cap is the maximum percentage of low-wage TFWs that an employer will be allowed to have at a work site, as of July 2016.
There are a few exemptions to the low-wage cap requirement and these include employers that:
have fewer than 10 employees nationally, including the vacant positions they are applying to staff with TFWs.
are hiring TFWs for jobs that are truly temporary (e.g. emergency or warranty work positions).
are hiring TFWs for low-wage positions located in Quebec. "
So my company has less than 10 employees, and my wages can not reach $30.77, am I qualified for exempting from cap on low-wage? It seems no chance to get LMIA under cap on low-wage.
Guess there must be lots of people have the same situations as me, thank you very much for your help!!!
I am working as an accountant in my current company in Toronto, ON since Oct/14, and my PGWP is going to expire Jul/16. I almost missed the PNP, which is because they are asking to apply within two-year graduation and I was graduated in Apr/12.
1. Just wonder if it is possible for NOC1111 to get LMIA, any successful examples in 2015? and how long does it take? Because I think it is pretty hard to prove that the employer could not hire a Citizen to do accounting work.
2. It says "Employers applying for a labour market impact assessment (LMIA) must pay the TFW: at a minimum, the posted prevailing wage for the occupation and work location where the TFW will be employed. So the prevailing wage for NOC1111 is $30.77 (based on jobbank.gc.ca) or $21.00 (based on esdc.gc.ca)?
3. It says "Cap on Low-wage category Positions
Employers offering a wage to a TFW that is below the provincial/territorial median hourly wage will be subject to a maximum 10% cap on the proportion of low-wage TFWs. The cap will be phased in over the next 2 years to provide employers who use the Program with time to transition to a Canadian workforce.
Employers that have a low-wage TFW workforce will be:
limited to 30% or frozen at their current level, whichever is lower;
reduced to 20% beginning July 1, 2015; and
further reduced to 10% on July 1, 2016.
The 10% cap is the maximum percentage of low-wage TFWs that an employer will be allowed to have at a work site, as of July 2016.
There are a few exemptions to the low-wage cap requirement and these include employers that:
have fewer than 10 employees nationally, including the vacant positions they are applying to staff with TFWs.
are hiring TFWs for jobs that are truly temporary (e.g. emergency or warranty work positions).
are hiring TFWs for low-wage positions located in Quebec. "
So my company has less than 10 employees, and my wages can not reach $30.77, am I qualified for exempting from cap on low-wage? It seems no chance to get LMIA under cap on low-wage.
Guess there must be lots of people have the same situations as me, thank you very much for your help!!!