Mightytonewheel said:
I would also ask for supporting letters from those that did attend the ceremony, describing the event and verifying that it did happen.
i was going to make this same suggestion.
i think CIC sees a lot of variations in wedding ceremonies. i had recently moved to my city just before getting married, and so our wedding was attended only by our immediate families and my best friend since our other friends couldn't travel to it. we had a small reception at my church, where 10-12 new church friends attended. at most, there were 25 people at the reception. my husband and i couldn't justify shelling out for professional wedding photos when we knew we had huge immigration expenses ahead of us, so all of our pictures from that day were taken by the attendees on their phones (made obvious by the fact that most pictures include the arms and phones of other people taking pictures, too). we sent one picture of us with his family, one picture of us with my family, one picture of us signing our certificate, one picture of us cutting our cake, and one picture of everyone at the reception in a conga line (minus my too-cool teenage son who wouldn't join, but took a picture of us

) once we sent in the application, i became super-paranoid that CIC would think we'd faked the reception because of the low turn-out and lack of professional photos. however, in our notes, it says "wedding and reception were well-attended according to photographs."
i know your case is different in that you don't have any photographs at all - just wanted to share my experience that it doesn't have to be a huge event with paparazzi to satisfy CIC

you have a lot of other evidence of your relationship, and if you can get letters of support from a couple people who attended your wedding, you should be fine. good luck!