Hard to recognize sarcasm in venues like this. Let alone discern the underlying intent. Which everyone should readily know. So, when it comes to something so important as the health of Canadians, which in this situation means the lives of tens of thousands of Canadians, if not millions, better to be sure the messaging is clear.
So, to be clear: for certain there are a million or more older Canadians whose health is far more important than a temporary stall in grant citizenship application processing timelines. And of course what the "lockdown" is about is an attempt to stem the spread of this disease generally and especially as to our more vulnerable (among whom I am one -- so yeah, on this issue I've a dog in the hunt). Sure, this attempt may be a bit desperate, and perhaps not as effective as hoped. But it is the right thing to do for now.
I never bought any of the rather too common "if it saves just one life . . . " arguments. But if a policy and related practices will save thousands of lives, let alone tens of thousands, even if it falls short of saving thousands of others, that's an equation with real world, real time weight. The "lockdown" clearly fits the saving thousands of lives bill, even if it will not totally stop this monster.
In any event, if sarcasm or satire was the intent, what I just offered is merely an exclamation mark, emphasizing how utterly unacceptable the proposition would be otherwise (and warranting some rather more vitriolic disparaging than I generally key out loud). In contrast, if not sarcasm, and likewise for anyone with such sentiment, mark their soul, not deserving Canadian citizenship or, even, to be a human.
Offered at the risk of over-reacting, but I do have a dog in this hunt, I am old, my wife is particularly vulnerable, and I care a rather lot about most of the people I think of as friends who are as old or older than me, many more vulnerable otherwise.
So please, no sarcasm intended here: please keep your distance and encourage others to keep their distance, at least until we can see the way clear beyond this dark cloud. Citizenship can wait. Viruses won't.